Love for Justin Trudeau: Khalistanis chant, “Long live Jathadar (leader of Sikh soldiers) Trudeau!”🤮

8 hours ago

This literally disgusts me! These people are definitely brainwashed by the mainstream censored media!! Gag me with a spoon!🤮

Unparalleled Love for Justin Trudeau: Khalistanis chant, “Long live Jathadar (leader of Sikh soldiers) Trudeau!” ❤️

I was surprised to hear this chant in London, U.K. by non-Canadians. When I questioned them on how Trudeau earned such a serious title, they retracted the chant but went to great lengths to express their admiration for him.

“When Khalistan is established, there will be a statue of him [Justin Trudeau],” one protester said. “Trudeau’s face will be on Khalistan currency,” another added.

Justin Trudeau seems to be popular all around the world—except in Canada.

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