83. Two Months

6 days ago

Two months since my last show, two months till the end of the season. Time for everyone to finish strong!

The Wrexham AFC podcast that no one asked for and likely no one wants. Jake Green analyzes the show “Welcome to Wrexham” from a filmmaker’s perspective as well as following and commenting on Wrexham’s fixtures and news.

Airing on Wednesdays @ 6PM Easter (11PM GMT)

The Wrexham Texan
Website: PeacefulSea.network/wrexhamtexan
Twitter: @WXMTexan
Instagram: @WXMTexan
Facebook: Wrexham Texan
Rumble: WrexhamTexan

Produced by Peaceful Sea Productions
Website: PeacefulSeaProductions.com
Instagram: @PeacefulSeaProductions
Twitter: @PeacefulSeaProd
Rumble: PeacefulSea
YouTube: @PeacefulSea

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