Director of Marketing for KCH Sam Shaefer Interview

3 days ago

Director of Marketing for KCH Sam Shaefer comes on the program for a second time to sit down with Lance and talk about everything that's been happening with KCH since the last time she's been on the program, including a quickly approaching ribbon cutting ceremony for their new on campus garden center that not only residents can enjoy, but also the community, an upcoming event which helps educate and provide information on some really great services being provided within our community, and then more about all the other upcoming activities residents and community members can enjoy. Sending a shout out to Sam and all of the KCH staff for evertying they do for not only their residents but the entire community. We appreciate your vision, service, and stewardship Sam, you're a rock star! #kch #kansaschristainhome #service #generationalhealing #generationahealth #generationalhousing ##transitionalhousing #transitionallifestyle #newtonkansas #harveycountyks #festival #festivities #gardencenter #ChooseNewton #upcomingevents #ribboncutting #newtonareachamberofcommerce #faith #hope #love #healthcare #hctalk

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