Stuart Talbott: Lightning — As Above, So Below | Thunderbolts

10 hours ago

The Thunderbolts Project
Mar 5, 2025
Stuart Talbott: Lightning — As Above, So Below | Thunderbolts
The most spectacular electrical phenomena witnessed on planet Earth is lightning. A source of both fascination and fear for human beings for millennia, one might assume that in the 21st century, scientists’ understanding of lightning should be so comprehensive, little room remains for mystery.

However, as with many phenomena in nature, science discovery continues to reveal that lightning is not really as well understood as might think. Indeed, a commonality exists in the most surprising discoveries with respect to Earth lightning, and that it is: affirmation that the electrical circuitry between the Earth and the Sun is what drives terrestrial lightning.

Independent researcher Stuart Talbott deconstructs red sprites, blue jets, elves, upside-down lightning, bolts from the blue, and lightning generated from our Sun.

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