Hearing: End the Typhoons: How to Deter Beijing’s Cyber Actions...

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The House Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party will hold a hearing titled "End the Typhoons: How to Deter Beijing’s Cyber Actions and Enhance America’s Lackluster Cyber Defenses" on Wednesday, March 5, 2025, at 9:15 A.M. in 390 Cannon House Office Building (Cannon Caucus Room).

When: Wednesday, March 5th, 9:15 AM E.T.

Where: 390 Cannon Caucus Room, Cannon House Office Building

The witnesses for the hearing will be:

Mr. Rob Joyce, Former Director of Cybersecurity, National Security Agency

Dr. Emma M. Stewart, Chief Power Grid Scientist, National and Homeland Security, Idaho National Laboratory

Ms. Laura Galante, Former Director of the Cyber Threat Intelligence Integration Center, Office of the Director of National Intelligence

119th Congress

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