172.20250302 The 9/11 WarRoom: The Path Towards an Independent Presidential Investigation of 9/11

8 hours ago

The session featured an update from Curt Weldon, who detailed his efforts to secure funding for the Fire EMS 290 initiative and advocate for a new 9/11 investigation. Weldon shared insights from meetings with White House staff, Congress members, and media figures like Joe Rogan and Tucker Carlson, stressing the importance of impactful media releases, including a proposed video with Battalion Chief Oreo Palmer’s poignant 9/11 audio. The group reviewed their completed document, planned its release after the State of the Union, and strategized publicity efforts. Discussions covered evidence like Building 7’s collapse with passionate exchanges and updates on upcoming podcasts.

Call For A New, Independent Presidential Investigation Into The 9/11 World Trade Center Destruction

Updated Building 7 Article to be Distributed at Fire Instructors Conference in April
By Craig McKee February 26, 2025

Congressman Lawler Reintroduces Bipartisan, Bicameral Bill to Support 9/11 First Responders, Victims, and Their Families

Federal, state legislation supports 9/11 responders

9/11 survivors travel to D.C. to push for full funding of WTC health program

Desi Lydic Suggests ‘Garfield Did 9/11’ as a Fun Alternative to Trump’s new hat on ‘The Daily Show’ | Video

Richard Gage 9/11 Explosive Evidence | Interview with Church and State 1776 run by Marine veteran, EMT and former City Councilman Caleb Collier

Debated Topics Forum / Pentagon Approach Path of a Boeing 757 on 9/11/2001
Pentagon Approach Path of a Boeing 757 on 9/11/2001
By David Chandler | February 2025

9/11 WTC Dust: Nanothermite Link to Responder Lung Damage | Dr. Niels Harrit, Toronto Hearings, 2011

Supporting Michael Wolsey Medical Fund
Michael was officially diagnosed with base of tongue cancer in February 2024. He was an early 9/11 truth advocate who still runs 9/11 Visibility.

Dr. William F. Pepper, Esq., fought tirelessly for truth, exposing the conspiracy behind Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s assassination. To preserve his legacy, the Friends of Dr. William F. Pepper, Esq. have launched a project to archive his work with the National Civil Rights Museum. Support is needed to fund this effort and assist his family, who face financial hardship.

===9/11 TRUTH EVENTS============

-Mar 6, 6:30PM ET, Boston 9/11 Truth Interviews John Wyndham, email SueSerpa@gmail.com
-Mar 20, 6:30PM ET, Boston 9/11 Truth Interviews Dan Noel
-Apr 3, 6:30PM ET, Boston 9/11 Truth Interviews Gerry Burns
-Apr 17, 6:30PM ET, Boston 9/11 Truth Interviews Diana Castillo

=PINNED MESSAGES================

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===WHO WE ARE==============

The 9/11 WarRoom (911warroom.com) is a weekly roundtable discussion hosted by Gene & Sandra focusing on 9/11 news, strategy and activism. Everyone is welcome to participate in the conversation or just listen in.

Topic: The 9/11 WarRoom
Time: Every given Sunday at 5PM ET

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Contact Us:
Gene Laratonda

Sandra Jelmi

Pittsburgh 9/11 Truth:

Archives at the bottom of 911WarRoom.com

===9/11 Truth Movement Partners===============
Protecting All Protectors Alliance ProtectingAll.org
Richard Gage, AIA RichardGage911.org
International Center for 9/11 Justice IC911.org
The Lawyers' Committee for 9/11 Inquiry LCfor911.org or 911Lawyers.org
The Truth Action Project TruthActionProject.org
Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth AE911Truth.org

===CHAT LOG================

17:01:37 From Trina Silvers’ iPhone to Everyone:
Hello everyone!

17:02:23 From magnus langlete to Everyone:
Hello everybody😊

17:03:30 From Michael Cook to Everyone:

17:05:26 From Trina Silvers’ iPhone to Everyone:
Thank you, Mr. Weldon!

17:13:04 From Michael Cook to Everyone:

17:13:11 From David Slesinger to Everyone:
Prof Hulsey, I connected with fellow MIT alum John Eichelberger MIT 70 who still has a position at U Alaska Fairbanks and sent him info about your efforts.

17:13:27 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
YES- Thank you Congressman Weldon!!!

17:16:14 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
Somebody send him this!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rdmh76KrKPA&t=214s

17:20:19 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
Searching for various fire fighter interviews, this came up- it was in my ‘no planes’ write up- very extensive- would love to have it back if anyone has it. The computer it Was on was crashed. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FbnbFhCn3_Y

17:24:57 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
There’s a clip of the governor of NY making remarks on the pile, “Where are the floor pans?” 220 acres of floor pans absent in the debris pile. They are just concrete forms for the floors that you don’t remove. I’ve installed them. They are pretty heavy gauge steel because wet/fresh concrete is very heavy. After the concrete cures, it becomes self supporting and adds to the strength of the buildings.

17:26:45 From Michael Florida to Everyone:
Great point Michael Cook

17:28:08 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
Replying to "Great point Michael Cook":
Sol Gel Nano-thermite sprayed all over the floor pans would explain a hell of a lot, including the pulverized concrete. Typically, concrete floors are 4 inches thick. The longer it cures, the stronger the concrete becomes.

17:30:22 From David Slesinger to Everyone:
While I don't agree with Judy Wood's DEW theory, I urge folks to refer to it as a minority theory rather than suggesting she is not acting in good faith. I suggest people who are not acting in good faith are best identified by evidence they have been dishonest rather than in error. I must admit I've never heard a satisfactory explanation for the burnt cars.

17:30:29 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
While I was interviewing Steven Jones for AE and writing articles for AE, he reached out to me, a bit freaked out on the fake video. I told him that fake video and actual planes were not mutually exclusive- both can exist at the same time. I’m convinced that no planes and DEW were baked in during the planning stages, before the event- pre-prepared disinformation.

17:33:38 From Sue to Gene & Sandra Laratonda (direct message):
Just a word of caution: Curt Weldon's phone number is displayed here.

17:36:09 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
Replying to "While I don't agree with Judy Wood's DEW theory, I...":
What about excessive amounts of nano-thermite sprayed all over the place? Might that explain the burnt cars? We have found un-ignighted thermite in the dust, with iron microspheres attached. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i9flhhwkTTA

17:37:15 From David Slesinger to Everyone:
Replying to "While I don't agree with Judy Wood's DEW theory, I...":
Can't say that is incorrect, but the issue does deserve attention

17:38:22 From Sue to Gene & Sandra Laratonda (direct message):
Any of the 28 people here could possibly bother him with a call. I hope he called in with someone else's phone, or a burner phone.

17:38:27 From Michael Florida to Everyone:
Replying to "While I don't agree with Judy Wood's DEW theory, I...":

17:39:11 From Sue to Gene & Sandra Laratonda (direct message):
Are you recording this for publication on Rumble?

17:40:09 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
We will have statues of RG, Leroy and Raul and others in DC!!

17:42:32 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
Exactly correct Roland!

17:44:03 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
Active involvement in the cover up is treason, punishable by death, by hanging, as per the constitution. At some point, that might be a good thing to put forward. “Do you want to die, after a fair trial of course, or would you rather FINALLY do the right thing and tell the truth?”

17:46:58 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
“There’s no such thing as bad publicity”

17:49:21 From David Slesinger to Everyone:
The quote “There’s no such thing as bad publicity” was designed to describe entertainers, rather than activists, though the description Andy gave did have merit.

17:49:45 From Brian Good to Everyone:
Smart people have an enormous capacity for self-deception when it serves their self interest.

17:49:53 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
Cancer treatment is a multi-billion dollar industry.

18:01:39 From David Slesinger to Everyone:
Years ago Wayne Coste paid for me to go to NYC to leaflet the national ASCE convention there. At one point I leafletted 2 young women. I asked,"Are you civil engineers?" They responded, "We'd like to be." I said," " Let me raise a hypothetical situation. Lets say a plane hit the tower and instead of just mangling parts of 5 floors, it knocks 5 floors out away from the tower. Then the floors above begin to fall and accelerate but not for long because it hits the floors underneath. The upper floors do begin to crush the lower floors but they don't crush ALL the floors ALL the way to the ground. Do you agree?" They said "yes". I said, " None of the attendees my age in there will agree."

18:06:16 From David Slesinger to Gene & Sandra Laratonda (direct message):
Gene, can we arrange a time to talk privately? No emergency.

18:08:23 From Mikey Porrazzo to Everyone:

18:08:58 From David Slesinger to Everyone:
A good friend from high school became a fire dept captain in Baltimore. He said fist fights over 9/11 broke out in his station. He ordered his firefighters to not discuss 9/11.

18:13:10 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
The truth doesn’t tend to go over well… 🤣

18:13:14 From Brian Good to Everyone:
Advocacy of a conspiracy theory makes you a conspiracy theorist, easy to dismiss. The scientific flaws in the official reports are obvious to anyone with a BS degree in science.

18:14:13 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
Replying to "Advocacy of a conspiracy theory makes you a conspi...":
They are the conspiracy theorists- we are standing on verifiable and falsifiable realities according to physics, science.

18:14:41 From Andrew Steele to Everyone:
Hey everyone. If you can see this I have to walk my dog and feed him. He's already past his normal time and getting upset. I'll be back, so if anyone asks me something while I'm gone ask me again when I'm on camera.

18:16:38 From chuck fall to Everyone:
The power elite want people at each others throats; it is called divide and conquer; don’t help fire fighters know the truth; sustain the big lie, they will fight about it, the conversation gets shut down, and no progress toward truth is developed , among those who fight.

18:17:50 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
Replying to "The power elite want people at each others throats...":
There’s an ancient Chinese saying, “three things cannot long be hidden, the moon, the sun, and the truth”

18:19:53 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
Canadians only act polite. Piss them off, you’ll see… Hockey is their national sport… 🤣

18:23:54 From chuck fall to Everyone:
Replying to "While I don't agree with Judy Wood's DEW theory, I...":

18:24:44 From Sue to Everyone:
Replying to "While I don't agree with Judy Wood's DEW theory, I...":
Lahaina, for sure!

18:26:36 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
Replying to "While I don't agree with Judy Wood's DEW theory, I...":
As someone who has looked into the the whole situation, I can offer much on environmental situation, if anyone is interested.

18:28:10 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
Tucker and Joe- we need them.

18:29:51 From David Slesinger to Everyone:
How about Megyn Kelly for Curt?

18:29:56 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
I’m quite sure Joe knows. Likely he’ll reach out when he thinks the time is right. Obviously pretty scared, which is quite hilarious for a MMA champ 🤣

18:30:21 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
Replying to "How about Megyn Kelly for Curt?":
YES- anywhere we can get in!

18:31:27 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
Can we approach Joe with a fight challenge?

18:34:30 From David Slesinger to Gene & Sandra Laratonda (direct message):
I'm still concerned that Weldon's references to folks who say al Queda did it, but he might NEED to do that to make the investigation more likely. I'd never say I'm sure any federal investigation will really do what we want. Still want to talk to you Gene 410-499-5403

18:36:01 From Devina Ayona to Everyone:
Hi all, just wanted to put this back on your radar — I’m looking for 9/11 truth advocates/seekers to share their perspectives on declassification policy and the US party politics, as apart of my research. Your participation will help de-stigmatize the community and improve how truth-seekers are portrayed in the academia!

If you are interested, please fill this link: bit.ly/911truthstudy
For more details, please reach out to me at ayona@uchicago.edu.
Your contribution would be highly appreciated!

Devina Ayona
MAPSS-Political Science 2025
University of Chicago

18:36:21 From Mike Figa to Everyone:
He has a large audience and cover 9/11, Palestine, and issues that concern Muslims.

18:36:30 From chuck fall to Everyone:
9/11 and the subsequent Patriot Act had global implications, called “forever wars…” NATO is involved in forever wars.

18:38:22 From Andrew Steele to Everyone:
I got to go. Thanks for having me on.

18:40:03 From Mike Figa to Everyone:
I suggest perplexity.ai if you want AI that provides many sources references.

18:41:03 From Mike Figa to Everyone:
Example of perplexity


18:41:17 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
Replying to "Hi all, just wanted to put this back on your radar...":
Article 0ne, Section 9, Paragraph 7 of the constitution FORBIDS the Federal Government from classifying anything. Everything done with public money MUST be made public knowledge. The founding fathers (and mothers, behind the scenes) were not perfect, but they had common sense. What you don’t want is your government doing ANYTHING in secret.

18:42:15 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
Replying to "George Galloway has a large audience and covers 9/...":
I like George! And others who have held back from “going there” on 9/11, like Chris Hedges…

18:45:29 From David Slesinger to Everyone:
Replying to "George Galloway has a large audience and covers 9/...":
I once complimented Hedges in person for not being nasty to 9/11 truth folks as most progressives are. His answer was he has a close friend who is a truther

18:47:15 From Devina Ayona to Everyone:
Replying to "Hi all, just wanted to put this back on your radar...":
@Michael Cook I’d love to hear more about this from you! Would you be happy to sign up for being interviewed?

18:47:37 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
Replying to "George Galloway has a large audience and covers 9/...":
I appreciate your efforts! What I remember is Luke R. Confronting him years or decades ago and him being totally “not on board”. Perhaps times have changed, or we can change them…

18:47:51 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
Replying to "George Galloway has a large audience and covers 9/...":
“That wold be great”

18:47:56 From magnus langlete to Everyone:
I think a plane hit pentagon,but these videos are amazing https://youtu.be/HJv4vj8Axbo?si=q7YJEQJ--5l0LTAv

18:47:58 From magnus langlete to Everyone:

18:48:50 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
Replying to "Hi all, just wanted to put this back on your radar...":

18:48:57 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
Replying to "Hi all, just wanted to put this back on your radar...":
Thank You!

18:51:15 From Mike Figa to Everyone:
Where are the whistle blowers or leakers on this. I hope one exists.

18:51:27 From Devina Ayona to Everyone:
Replying to "Hi all, just wanted to put this back on your radar...":
@Michael Cook GREAT! Please leave your e-mail address so we can arrange a time for the interview. I’ll also send additional documents ensuring research confidentiality etc

18:52:20 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
Replying to "Hi all, just wanted to put this back on your radar...":
Emails ge she down. I have two currently, truthmiracle@hotmail.com

18:52:23 From chuck fall to Everyone:

18:53:42 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
Replying to "Hi all, just wanted to put this back on your radar...":
And michaelcook109@yahoo.com- more likely forthcoming. Phone number is usually more reliable, 859-912-9183- send a text- I don’t answer numbers I don’t know. https://constitution.congress.gov/browse/article-1/section-9/clause-7/

18:54:25 From Devina Ayona to Everyone:
Replying to "Hi all, just wanted to put this back on your radar...":
Well noted! Thanks!!!

18:54:50 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
Replying to "Hi all, just wanted to put this back on your radar...":

18:55:02 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
Replying to "Where are the whistle blowers or leakers on this. ...":
Right the F here MF’er

18:55:45 From Michael Florida to Everyone:
Bondi was a consultant to Quatar with James Rubin around 2019

18:55:46 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
Replying to "Where are the whistle blowers or leakers on this. ...":
Emailed the FBI on 11/1/01

18:55:48 From Michael Florida to Everyone:

18:57:04 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
Whitney Webb ROCKS

18:57:05 From chuck fall to Everyone:
A corrupt judiciary?? Horrors; is there a work around?

18:58:22 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
This is another good one- https://www.amazon.com/CIA-Organized-Crime-Illegal-Operations/dp/0997287012

18:58:27 From magnus langlete to Everyone:
Eisenberg https://youtu.be/BP9iETQHQv4?si=dYb44PfBGhhVqhI8

18:58:27 From Devina Ayona to Everyone:
Hey, can I get a copy for One Nation under Blackmail too? @David Slesinger. Thanks!

18:59:13 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
And this one- https://www.amazon.com/CIAs-Greatest-Hits-Real-Story/dp/1593764391/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2D3ZMXCOC6EZK&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.jceGxeFPW75MpCuGXs-S7Q9qFhWmvD_OsktHEyV9hBLARjyrbFaS20kpsnd1aDjPKDWNca7Ge1ARRDwjP8mpTQ0Zyv28P6eiM1uSOhIEIAqFFpxIOlbIVm49-63IMi0rPvI9xB2kqWBXsTeGH028mrDhNDvFWqUhIgBHoHXmHKAE_aHBCTYuLm33VfiJQPlSBI5s6mn5z1yjm91PE0iBHsL1FKAKL_6Zj59RAsjNHls.0AaBnPocOXQCBwYAxNHBDxIXyR_6g0Nw8PYmQfcq7ds&dib_tag=se&keywords=the+cia%27s+greatest+hits&qid=1740959931&sprefix=the+cia%27s+great%2Caps%2C156&sr=8-1

19:00:18 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
Also, keep up, as best you can with Covert Action Magazine- used to be covert action quarterly, in print, before we had the web…

19:01:20 From Michael Florida to Everyone:

19:01:33 From David Slesinger to Everyone:

19:01:44 From David Slesinger to Gene & Sandra Laratonda (direct message):

19:02:13 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
“The CIA’S Greatest Hits” also has cartoons and everything! I’ve hung out with the author in Tucson.

19:02:31 From Devina Ayona to Everyone:
hi @David Slesinger , the item has been taken down, apparently

19:03:20 From David Slesinger to Everyone:
Devina https://archive.org/details/one-nation-under-blackmail-vol-1-2-whitney-alyse-webb

19:04:18 From David Slesinger to Everyone:

19:04:21 From David Slesinger to Everyone:

19:04:40 From David Slesinger to Everyone:
Devina, Thanks sorry

19:04:59 From magnus langlete to Everyone:
Isenberg https://www.presstv.ir/Detail/2019/01/07/585156/Larry-Silverstein-and-Lewis-Eisenberg-made-billions-of-dollars-from-destruction-of-Twin-Towers

19:05:00 From Devina Ayona to Everyone:
Replying to "Devina https://archive.org/details/one-nation-unde...":
Hi David, thanks for sharing! But yeah when I clicked on the link, the webpage says ‘this item is no longer available’…

19:05:18 From David Slesinger to Everyone:
Replying to "Devina https://archive.org/details/one-nation-unde...":

19:05:45 From Sue to Everyone:
One Nation under Blackmail https://www.amazon.com/One-Nation-Under-Blackmail-Intelligence-ebook/dp/B0BJN2CF46

19:06:13 From Devina Ayona to Everyone:
Replying to "One Nation under Blackmail https://www.amazon.com/...":
Thanks Sue!

19:06:13 From Sue to Everyone:
there are two volumes.

19:13:20 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
The Pentagon is the most highly defended airspace on Earth- nothing should have gotten anywhere near there. Local news and traffic helicopters are well aware. They will be shot down if they get too close, so they keep their distance. This is a ridiculous argument.

19:13:22 From Devina Ayona to Everyone:
Talking about publication and respectful debate: if anyone of you here would be willing to sign up as a research participant, and eventually my paper did get published — it would help fostering a respectful academic engagement with 9/11 truthers. Please sign up on bit.ly/911truthstudy or e-mail me at ayona@uchicago.edu if you’re interested~

19:14:48 From Mike Figa to Everyone:
Just a good link I came across today.

19:15:43 From Sue to Everyone:
@Devina Ayona I signed up a few days ago.

19:15:58 From Sean Nagel to Everyone:
Weldon spoke of JudyWood and how their coming at him from multiple directions. Who is imforming him on Judy Wood? He also mentioned how the country needs to "heal" couple things that rang out to me

19:17:15 From magnus langlete to Everyone:
https://www.presstv.ir/Detail/2019/01/07/585156/Larry-Silverstein-and-Lewis-Eisenberg-made-billions-of-dollars-from-destruction-of-Twin-Towers eisenberg

19:17:24 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
Replying to "Weldon spoke of JudyWood and how their coming at h...":
I responded to Curt regarding Judy Wood. I think this is enough. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rdmh76KrKPA&t=214s

19:18:27 From Devina Ayona to Everyone:
Replying to "@Devina Ayona I signed up a few days ago.":
Oh thank you Sue! We’ll get in touch immediately

19:18:40 From chuck fall to Everyone:
Would an investigation be free and open enough to evaluate for the possibility that a mini-nuke was involved?? Building 6 is a smoking gun just like building 7

19:19:12 From David Slesinger to Everyone:
During a Kean Commission meeting in NJ I heard Sen Robert Kerrey say 10 feet from me that 9/11 had been planned for decades.

19:23:10 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
I want to know how the crazy Muslims made nanothermite in a cave

19:23:43 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
Built from the atom scale up

19:24:44 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
I gave you one, David

19:24:52 From magnus langlete to Everyone:

19:24:57 From Brian Good to Everyone:
Dr. Robert Bowman said it best: "The truth about 9/11 is that we don't know the truth about 9/11 -- and we should!"

19:25:11 From magnus langlete to Everyone:

19:25:40 From Michael Cook to Everyone:

19:25:44 From magnus langlete to Everyone:

19:25:56 From Sean Nagel to Everyone:
Could the cars be burnt from the pyroclastic cloud?

19:26:50 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
Well done Gene, as usual..

19:27:00 From magnus langlete to Everyone:
https://youtu.be/Th-_CpfYht4?si=ioi6y6Sf3T56f-C7 molten iron and car

19:27:02 From chuck fall to Everyone:
Replying to "Would an investigation be free and open enough to ...":
What is the science of building 6 getting hollowed out?

19:28:33 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
Again- Judy Wood was interviewed- what do you think? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rdmh76KrKPA&t=214s

19:29:46 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
But wait, what about extraterrestrials?!?

19:30:27 From chuck fall to Everyone:
I have heard someone say Wood is a Mossad agent; but how can anyone know that unless they have insider knowledge. Maybe Wood is a limited hangout as she offers a preposterous explanation but then denies categorically other perspectives. Kind of a weird angle, way to interact…keeps the waters muddied.

19:31:14 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
Replying to "I have heard someone say Wood is a Mossad agent; b...":
Muddying the waters if very important, for them

19:31:30 From chuck fall to Everyone:
Replying to "I have heard someone say Wood is a Mossad agent; b...":
Maybe Wood’s function is to distract from the mini-nuke idea??

19:32:05 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
Replying to "I have heard someone say Wood is a Mossad agent; b...":
The nuke thing has been put to rest long ago. Contact me if you want more info.

19:33:11 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
Replying to "I have heard someone say Wood is a Mossad agent; b...":
Anyway, none of this shit maters. Where did the nano-thermite come from?

19:33:11 From chuck fall to Everyone:
Replying to "I have heard someone say Wood is a Mossad agent; b...":
I think ‘they’ used a cocktail of technology to do what was done. Builkding 7 shows a different drop pattern than occurred on the towers and building 6

19:33:18 From Mike Figa to Everyone:
Woods or her supporters spammed me under the name "Emmanuel Goldstein" when I was working on 9/11.

Her stuff is largely proven disinfo. Or misinfo that is amplified.

Cars... Not solid and explainable
The spire... Another view shows it falling away from the camera view she shows

I don't want to perpetuate this though, and Richard put the high level summary, quite well.

19:34:08 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
Replying to "I have heard someone say Wood is a Mossad agent; b...":
Who placed it (The guy I know as ‘Jesse Kroll’, and others, some I may have worked with.

19:36:26 From magnus langlete to Everyone:
13:7 https://youtu.be/0bK1PdzL7xg?si=iGoBaZylogHEAYp5

19:38:04 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
In spanish, Espanol, the double Y’s are pronounced “EE”

19:39:10 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
Ocotillo, first time I encountered that “OK A Tee Yo” 🤣

19:43:56 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
90 thousands tons

19:44:24 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
If you’ve never chipped concrete, you have no idea.

19:44:41 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
It’s tough

19:45:20 From Mike Figa to Everyone:
Steel was quickly shipped to China. It was neatly in various lengths, from the demo....

19:45:45 From Michael Florida to Everyone:
Why quickly shipped???

19:46:17 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
Crime scenes should be protected

19:46:50 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
The floor pans were installed at every floor

19:48:05 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
Would be great if we could make fresh/wet concrete hang in mid air- but then I’d be out of a job- F..🤣

19:50:44 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
XIOLA can come over here and clean!!!

19:53:43 From magnus langlete to Everyone:

19:55:16 From Brian Good to Everyone:
Thank you Richard. I don't have a mic or video.

19:56:26 From Devina Ayona to Everyone:
Hi all, gotta leave. Tysm

19:58:13 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
🤣 Just as official as the official. Account

19:59:52 From J.B. Hockersmith to Everyone:

20:00:16 From Trina Silvers’ iPhone to Everyone:
Replying to "Untitled-1.jpg":
Great, JB.

20:04:38 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
I have some really funny and not so funny engineering jokes. In short, totally unrelated, What kind of bees give milk? Bobbies!

20:06:22 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
All of these engineers were arguing out what kind of engineer God must be…

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