🔥⚠️🔥 The Reality of Change in the New Era, this is a must listen. Specialy if you're green

18 hours ago

The Reality of Change in the New Era

“…and a Higher-Vibrationally-Minded new era.”

The systems of our world that make modern life possible are slowly coming under the control of the ultra-wealthy via corporations. Many of these systems are no longer visible to the general public, and all but free of oversight. The stock market is a good example of this reality. We are told that so-called “dark pool” trading makes up the majority of securities trading as of January 2025. This is invisible trading for a special few who get preferential pricing and price setting power, while retail investors are disadvantaged. I chose this example because it represents what we see across so many systems required to live in the modern world. The ultra-rich take control, the majority lose oversight, input, influence, and knowledge of the systems that bind them. America can no longer be said to be a democracy or republic, though this has been true for a long time. For those who have followed our KL episodes, you know why. People forget.

In a republic, power lies with a body of citizens who have been voted into office, and “who are responsible to the voters”. Political power rests with the public, through their representatives, and bound by law. But these bold statements are not so cut-and-dry if you take time to look up terms like republic, and then compare it to what we actually see going on. And do not get me started on the sham that is voting. In reality, nothing is as it seems. We the people have spent an extraordinary amount of time trusting in those who should not be trusted. It should be clear to anyone who has paid attention that both sides of our strategically created political system have been working in tandem. They have done so under the cover of a non-existent democracy while employing the red/blue mind virus. This so-called government and the mega corporations it supports, have intentionally put us all on the path to control. It is an understatement to say that this strategy has been effective. People forget.

When was the last time you woke up and thought this would be a good day for a war? Did you know that the United States has been at war for 222 of its 239 years? That is about 93% of the time, depending on the information source. Did you know that there are supposedly only three countries in the world that we have not been invaded? How is it that we have been continually persuaded to be “okay” with so much death and destruction? How is it that we have been okay with allowing our leadership and military to invade any nation they see fit? Would it even matter if the majority opposed ongoing war and made their stance clear? At this point, the answers to such questions no longer matter. The ongoing corporate machine is now aimed at us. We the people, who forget.

We are the last problem that must be dealt with as the era ends. We are guilty of destroying the environment and using up all the resources. We are guilty of being dependent on destructive systems that we had little to no control over. We are guilty of causing the fabricated and well-branded strategy called “Global Warming”. Ex-president Al Gore launched this invented menace in 2006. He threatened that in 10 years it would be too late for us all. This is the bipartisan “long game”. Every planned smart city and 15-minute zone owes its existence, in part, to the nonsense launched in 2006 by Gore, an agent of the system. The world did not end in 2006, but the ferocious carbon monster is still alive and well. It is currently hiding in the term “climate change”. But as we should all know there has never been a time in this world when the climate has not been changing. The time for accepting such nonsense is past. Call it what it is. It’s an “Eminence front”. “It’s a put on”, to borrow some lyrics from the Who. They were also a “put up” as well, working as part of the entertainment wing of world conquest strategy. People forget.

We no longer have the luxury of hiding behind the “We are Americans, and that could never happen here” excuse. It is happening here, proving that what can be done to your neighbor can—and likely will—happen to you. The front lines of this end of era conflict are drawn. The line has been drawn right up to your front door. Between food, money, electricity, freedom of movement… it is all under the control of people and organizations who have decided that they control the world. They believe there are too many of us. People forget.

If you choose to deny this, please explain: What were the millions of instantaneously available doses of experimental and toxic inoculations and the death/illness rate they caused about? To defend such things at this point is to announce to the world disinterest in old age. Do you recall not being allowed to talk about Covidius Minimus online during the plandemic? Are you aware of all the topics currently censored online? There is a reason for such things and this is an attempt to convey the reason to you. Our way of life is being cancelled by limiting our ability to travel, have money, own things, speak freely, and make choices. The few have control of nearly all modern systems including, YOUR PHONE, news, music, movies, TV, and the internet. The few are attempting to corral, totally control, and reduce the numbers of the many, but… people forget.

I spent many years directly observing the Moon. With those years came new intuition and awareness. My shift to observing the Sun is showing me something very different. There are no dark overtones or unfathomable mysteries for one thing. The intuition I have gained is sharper, and at a higher vibration level. More importantly our Sun seems to have a binary, and it appears to be getting closer. It may be related to the consciousness lift we are experiencing. I suspect this information has been hidden from us, but I also expect it will become common knowledge before long. I view our Sun as not only an energy converter, but also an energy lens, lensing in all the energies we need to exist and thrive. In my view, these solar energies affect our consciousness. I have also experienced that solar energy is healing. Consider what it could mean if our Sun is joined, in close proximity, by a binary that is also providing energies. For many, this information will be unacceptable due to the misinformation we have all been subject to, along with our training to maintain a closed mind with regard to unusual things. Nonetheless, it is a fact that another body is currently behind our Sun most of the time. I accept that it is our second Sun, and that it is currently cycling closer to us and contributing to the higher levels of consciousness we detect in the new era. As it stands now, what I have said must still be proven. However, it is a fact that there is another similar body near our sun. Furthermore, I have observed and filmed it, as have others. Even after so many clips online… people forget.

And here is where I shall make another bold statement which I accept with all that I am and every beat of my heart. The world is changing. It is changing at a rate that staggers the imagination. Consciousness is shifting. To be clear, it is shifting to a higher resonance as is Mother Earth, the Sun, and all the life thereby supported.

What we have been taught about matter is incorrect because all matter is conscious. We have entered a time where things once hidden in shadow will no longer remain hidden away from the light. The dark forces of this world continue to work, leverage, and conquer during this era shift. Those in power knew the shift was coming and kept it hidden from most of us using misinformation. Space agencies stand as a good example of this. They are working feverishly to overcome the emerging reality in an attempt to block you from your birthright of spiritual ascension. They do this by infringing on your health and freedom, usually by your own choice. The powers that be have worked for centuries to prevent you from comprehending who, what, and where you are. The time for low vibrational reality is coming to an end.

They will fail… utterly. There will be no place in the new era for selfish, parasitic, uncompassionate human beings and systems. They will gradually fade out of existence. They lack the resonance required to be a part of the new, higher-vibrational era. The death-based systems that have been the norm for so long will now begin to fade away along with those who facilitated the low vibrational, uncaring systems. It is anyone’s guess how long the shift to higher frequency will take. Let’s hope it is within our lifetime. If you do not accept this or if you find fault with the things I have communicated here, please… do not forget!

I would like to wish you all a happy, healthy, and higher-vibrationally-minded new era.

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