20250223 LCSC Stage 6 "The Terrifier"

4 days ago

First stage of my first match back (also shooting a dot in a match for the first time) after not touching my gun for a year. 3/19 Limited Optics - 25A 9C on this stage. I have a lot of ground to make up compared to when I stopped shooting. I'll work on posting a stage from the last match I shot before my break, with one from this match for comparison. This was a rough stage everyone though. The stage is about 35-40 yards wide and 30 yards deep. Sorry about the camera angle. New hat cam... The Prodigy was 100% reliable. I believe I have worked all the bugs out now. It's been zero malfunctions for about 1500 rounds now, so when it hits 7500 I'll call it good.

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