Civ 5: Random on Deity: Japan

17 hours ago

This video showcases how it is possible to win a game of deity with:
-No useful Civ bonuses,
-A pugnaciously aggressive neighbor (Napoleon),
-Science never reaching over 900 per turn,
-Not having a religion, nor utilizing faith at all,
-No worker steals,
-Not getting first place in any of the world projects,
-No Oracle/ early Scientist, Porcelain Tower, Leaning Tower, Sistine Chapel, nor Hubble Space Tele.,
-And only having 3 mountain-less cities with dreadful land including no coal nor aluminum.

Let this video serve to guide and encourage daring players to persevere against the hardest difficulty that Civilization has to offer. If a game like this can be won, then imagine how well you could win with anything from better land to friendly neighbors.

This video shows that you do not need to play perfectly to win against deity difficulty.

2:29:48 Note that Napoleon cheated with the city placement of Poitiers.

#civ5 #civilization5 #civilizationv #Civilizationdeity #Civdeity

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