Second DOOM NetPlay MeetUp - FRAGS!

8 hours ago

Last month our DOOM meetup was a great success, and we did it again!! Come along with us for a snippet of the gameplay... you can learn how to join us the 1st Saturday of every month, just read below for all the info you need!

This is a BBS related meetup; you can find information about BBSes, and how to connect to them, by watching our 'BBSing in 2024' video -

To join us next month, read below... the meetup IS password protected and you'll find that password by logging into 2o fOr beeRS BBS - this IS a BBS-related DOOM meetup!!!

What do I need to join the meetup???

The TechHeart Youtube channel hosts a Bulletin Board System named 2o fOr beeRS. You can access it by using SyncTERM.
On Meetup dates, we set a password for the DOOM server... you can find it on the BBS!

The meetup takes place on the 1st Saturday of every month at 6PM PST / 9PM EST, and lasts around an hour and a half!!! Come get some frags with a bunch of retro-computer lovers who still BBS in 2o24... what will you need???

Zandronum - A multiplayer port of DOOM and DOOM II

DoomSeeker - A cross-platform server browser for DOOM

DOOM2.WAD - You need to have the legacy DOOM file in order to play; Zandronum will download our special .PK3 file that customizes the game... some people say you can find .WADs on cool BBSes...

Server Password - Only on Meetup times... the server is open to practice all month long w/o password protection

Ok, now you have Zandronum, Doomseeker and your .WADs installed - what next? Just fire up Doomseeker and search for "20 FOR BEERS". Click on that server and our .pk3 will be downloaded and you'll join the game!! During the month, we leave two bots in the server and you can sometimes find other real players connected!

In March we played the DWANGO map set - one of the most popular mutliplayer map sets in DOOM history. We change maps for each meetup and hope that you'll come by and join us for some FRAGs!!!

Discord @

00:00 IntroZzZ
06:26 Double-Kill
07:30 Rocket City!
11:45 DEATHMAP!!
14:51 Pistol-Rock
23:30 Plasma fights
29:23 Secret of THE PIT....
43:28 Lets ROCK.

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