POW *Hellmira* New York

17 hours ago

Every single Administrative Order since 1864 has been unlawful at the hands of the Jesuit's General masquerading as Our Republic's General and administering a foreign law upon American soil

It's all void Orders
All Unlawful
as no Judicial Due Process of law was ever
given or ordered since 1789,
by an Article 3 Judicial Court of record Judge.
Administrators are not Judges.
There is no Equality in Equity!

Free all of the Prisoners of War who are unlawfully kept
by The American BAR
as a POW!!!

Read your Seventh Amendment Constitutional Protections in place to protect against these unlawful abuses

Hang em' all!

Chris Moss, Damion Sonsire, Scott Pautz, Judith O'Shea
Christopher & Paul Barton, Ziff Law Firm, who charged New Yorkers $2,000.00 for standing 6 feet from a man,
every measly BAR fly you can get your hands on!!!

I'll show you guys how to contract to hang them / shoot them all and all within the letter of the law, like they hire Black Water Reps to go into other Countries and mureder People for hire
Here on America We don't murder for hire
We the American Militia kill for free &

Hoo Ra!

Die Commy pinko bastard$!
We defend at all cost!

Stay tuned!

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