The Kosher Purpose Of Christianity

6 days ago

The Kosher Purpose of Christianity

Rabbi Yitzchak Ginsburgh, in his Book "Kabbalah and Meditation for the Nations," wrote:
"But within this Evil Context (Christianity), the Believers in this Religion desire to Cling to a Jew for Salvation. The True Rectification of the non-Jewish World will come when it recognizes the Divine Purpose of every Jew. The non-Jew will then be Drawn in Love to the Jew. To fully identify with the Spiritual Acknowledgment of the Noahide Laws, one must complete the Semi-Conversion Process and become a Righteous Gentile. This includes acknowledging the Unique Role of the Jewish People and the Dependence of all Mankind on Them in Succeeding in Their Mission. This Realization motivates a Righteous Gentile to Aid God's Chosen People in Their Divinely ordained Role."

(video credit: Know_More_News & JuanasFabricias on X)

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