#0177 List of Life Principles, Bucket List Items, and Nicki Knows Facts

4 days ago

#0177 List of Life Principles, Bucket List Items, and Nicki Knows Facts

Today’s show is going to be very different since John Arthur is out of town on business. But it will be fun and very interactive with our viewers so let’s get to have some fun!

List of Life Principles
Cut 1: (Nicki’s #1)
Start every day with daily prayer and Bible reading.
Nicki - explain how that works for you.
Cut 2: (Nicki’s #2)
Stay in a right relationship with God no matter the cost (peace of mind).
Nicki - why is this important?
Cut 3: (Nicki’s #3)
Know who you are in Christ - my life has a purpose!
Nicki - what does it mean to know who you are in Christ?
Cut 4: (Nicki’s #4)
Invest in family relationships. The only thing you can take into eternity with you is your family.
Nicki - how do people that have very little or no family deal with this?
Cut 5: (Nicki’s #5)
Walk in truth (no deception or lying).
Nicki - why is this important?
Cut 6: (Nicki’s #6)
Work hard and keep improving.
Nicki - what would this look like?
Cut 7: (Nicki’s #7)
Think and pray before you speak or act. Words and actions have long term affects.
Nicki - how has this impacted you over the course of your life.
Cut 8: (Nicki’s #8)
Tithe with the spiritual impact in mind.
Nicki - what kind of spiritual impact should we be looking for?
Cut 9: (Nicki’s #9)
Control my anger - don’t let it control me?
Nicki - what do you see as the biggest reasons for this?
Cut 10: ((Nicki’s #10)
Make it a priority to laugh every day.
Nicki - why should laughing be a priority.
Cut 11: (Steve’s #1)
Make sure God is first and foremost in your life.
Steve - why is this a priority for you?
Cut 12: (Steves #2)
Be a truth teller - not a liar.
Steve - what do you see as some of the biggest hurdles to doing this?
Cut 13: (Steve’s #3)
Treat folks like you would like to be treated.
Steve - How has this impacted you personally?

Cut 14: (Steve’s #4)
Learn a trade or get an education and work for a living.
Steve - how important are trades to our society right now?
Cut 15: (Steve’s #5)
Treat your parents with respect.
Steve - tell us a little bit about your parents.
Cut 16: (Steve’s #6)
Don’t expect respect. Respect is earned, not given.
Steve - what are some ways that respect can be earned?
Cut 17: (Steve’s #7)
Learn to shoot a gun.
Steve - why is this important?
Cut 18: (Steve’s #8)
Learn to camp, fish, hunt, and farm.
Cut 19: (Steve’s #9)
If you’re married, love your wife and stay married.
Steve - why is this such a challenge for people today?
Cut 20: (Steve’s #10)
Learn to become a good father and grandfather (or mother and grandmother).
Steve - what are some of the most valuable results for being a good parent and grandparent?
Cut 21: (Charlie’s #1)
Love God and make Him known.

Cut 22: (Charlie’s #2)
Truth is the greatest asset you will ever possess. Always run toward truth.

Cut 23: (Charlie’s #3)
If you don’t have peace, then don’t do it.

Cut 24: (Charlie’s #4)
If you don’t want to fall into the Grand Canyon then stay away from the edge!

Cut 25: (Charlie’s #5)
Help and serve others.

Cut 26: (Charlie’s #6)
Try to always think with the end in mind.

Cut 27: (Charlie’s #7)
You only get one life. Know your purpose in what you’re doing.

Cut 28: (Charlie’s #8)
Failure is a great teacher. Never be afraid to go to school.

Cut 29: (Charlie’s #9)
Forgiveness is the great vaccine of anger and resentment.

Cut 30: (Charlie’s #10)
On time is late. Never be late.

Nicki Knows Facts:

Bucket List Items:
Cut :
Would love to purchase a large piece of land (good for camping, fishing, hunting, and farming) and have my kids and grandkids move there.
Cut :
Take an Alaskan cruise with my wonderful wife.
Cut :
Take a Hawaiian cruise with my wonderful wife.
Cut :
Do a 7 - 10 day mountain hike.
Cut :
Purchase an old school bus and convert it into an RV.

The Book Corner (NEXT WEEK): The Great Divorce, Chapters 5-6

Final Question:
Give me one thing that you would absolutely love to do or accomplish before the end of 2025.

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