The truth now....

6 days ago

Remember during Covid we were fed different contradictory news headlines every day? The reason was to keep people confused and on edge. Now everyday on all news stations, all we hear about is Ukraine. Small countries from all over Europe are sending millions of euros to Ukraine, and obeying the memo which states to keep blaming Russia for the `brutal act of aggression`, it`s all scripted. Why is the UK so concerned with Ukraine? When the UK is suffering so much. It`s the same in countries all over Europe, everything is getting more and more expensive, it`s impossible to buy a house or even find a place to rent. Education and Health are being starved of investment, countries are being flooded with illegal immigrants, society is falling apart but the governments of these nations want people distracted from what`s happening all around them. Just keep Ukraine in the `News` keep talking it up! If people stopped to think what their governments are doing with their money, there would be a revolution, that`s why they keep banging the Ukraine drum. The same way we were bombarded during Covid, we are bombarded now with Ukraine and Gaza. Behind the scenes our governments are working on bringing in the Digital Currency , and Digital ID , which will totally transform our lives for the worse, our freedom will disappear entirely. In the video they discuss what the European leaders are up to, these `leaders` are probably just following the script on how to keep the world on edge! Just like that fool Boris Johnson. These so called `leaders` are imbeciles and morons and they were selected to bring ruin throughout Europe!

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