30 Years of Ignoring GEN@CIDE

1 day ago

Let's imagine a situation like this. There's a group of maniacs slowly killing a person in the town square. Everyone sees it. But security services run to the basement to grab a coffee, so they don’t have to see it. The prosecutor turns away. Publicly, in front of everyone, these maniacs are slowly killing a person, and everyone silently watches. Now think about it. Should the authorities wait for this person to file a criminal complaint, or should they have intervened?

After all, this has been going on in plain sight all this time. Numerous rights of all kinds have been violated hundreds of times. This is the most common act of information terrorism.

All this time, no one came forward to ask, "What are you maniacs doing, slicing people up in the town square? Slowly cutting their bodies, piece by piece." So what does this imply? Does it mean the intelligence services are accomplices and engaged in a cover-up? How should we classify this? This is why we now turn to all lawyers. How would you classify this?

#democracy #podcast #news

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