Heavy Cream Diet?! Day 1 of ex150 Keto: Energy, Digestion, & Whipped Cream for Dinner

4 days ago

The premise is simple: 150g beef, 80g pasta sauce, 60g veggies... and unlimited heavy cream to satiety. Here's my personal attempt to see how much fat I lose in 30 days.

ex150 Overview: https://www.exfatloss.com/p/losing-43lbs-in-144-days-on-ex150-diet

ex150 n=10 trial results: https://www.exfatloss.com/p/ex150-trial-results-96lbs-average

Why Calorie Restriction Does Not Lead to Long Lasting Weight Loss - Dr. Westin Childs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=COC5riiPbCk

My stack:
- 50-100mg Thiamine/B1 (Bulk Supplements, haven't started it yet) daily
- 480mg Magnesium Glycinate (Pure Encapsulations) before bed
- 750 IU Vitamin E (IdeaLabs "TocoVit") twice weekly
- Contemplating 2g Creatine HCL (BEYOND RAW) daily
- 1,027.5mcg T4 (Levoxyl) total per week, daily dose of 137mcg plus another half dose once weekly

0:00 Intro
1:05 Diet Overview, What I've Tried Before
7:19 How Dieting Should Be
8:45 What I Expect
9:46 What I'll Be Measuring
10:35 Supplements
11:23 On Taking Thyroid Hormone
12:43 Day 1 Starts: Temperature
13:54 Overview of OmegaQuant, Free Fatty Acids, PUFAs
15:31 Weigh In
16:06 OmegaQuant Test
16:47 Temperature Update
17:29 Transition
18:24 Breakfast
22:47 How I Prepared for High Fat
24:56 Post-Breakfast Temperature
26:03 How I'm Feeling in the Middle of the Day
28:11 Lunch
30:16 Dinner Prep
31:16 Dinner
32:31 Post-Lunch Digestion Update
34:20 Will I Get Full?
37:50 Post-Game Interview

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