AMBASSADOR el dorado [liquid gold]

4 days ago

[!] IF YOU HAVE FEAR WITH THINK BELIEVES TO GET 'DARK GOLD OR DARK SILVER' with listen 'kims gia reports' or 'united network news' just know do bless your own for good better best not fear have 0.999 or 0.9999 pure gold silver for carry when not know better ways have higher frequency, ultimately all on earth surface is only life evacuation process not more not less, higher frequency can reorder restructure regrow natural materials for your own use, also gold silver are trap for ego logic hybrid minds when try get values over own real need, on in wrong hands all is turn into poison for mind how also physical not survive, is way better listen 'hollow earth network' when like want listen somebody other other ways you easily or automaticly lose your own protection when listen others without have your own good better best experience before listen others, for good or better or best know do not mix north atmosphere materials with south atmosphere materials, have only natural materials also foods grown on same atmosphere where is your own location, LET NATURAL MINERALS VITAMINS MATERIALS WORK FOR YOU FOR RECEIVE MAXIMAL HELP, OTHERS ARE NOT HERE FOR SERVE YOU SO DO KNOW HELP YOUR OWN BEING AS YOUR OWN FULL WORK.

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