Die Wehrmacht 1944 Nr 7 Pt 1 - Goliath Sdkfz 303 - Panzerfaust/Panzerschreck - 88 Flak - Wunderwaffe

1 day ago


Today we’ll be looking at primary source historical material related to the Goliath including films from different countries, photographs and printed material. The final film clip contains the only actual combat footage known to exist.

It was 4’ long and 2’ wide and 1’ tall. and could carry between 50 and 100 kg of explosives depending on the model. The first versions were electric but they proved to be too expensive to build. Eventually a motor engine was used which was noisy and often gave away its position.

The Goliath had a top speed of 6 mph and was controlled with a joystick. It had 3 attached cables, one to control the steering, one for the throttle and the third to detonate the explosive charge.

This material showing testing of the Sdkfz 303 Goliath from March 22, 1944 is not only related to the article I’ll be covering today, it was actually taken by the same camera crew that provided photographs for it.

This is the periodical Die Wehrmacht Nr. 7 from March 29, 1944. The cover shows an 88 flak crew member serving on the Arctic Front setting fuzes of the shells to explode at a specified altitude.

The crew of 3 engineers, with the team leader wearing a white camoflage tunic, brings the Goliath to the area of operation using a special carriage. Quickly the midget tank is made ready for use.

The text states that with a combination of the innovation of its scientists and technicians and the efficiency of its industrial production, the German military complex remains capable of countering the massive storm of men and material that its enemies are throwing at it. An example is the newly developed Goliath. This midget tank that is loaded with an immense charge of explosives, is steered by remote control.

Experience has shown that the Goliath is effective at taking out fortified bunkers, and defensively in destroying the heaviest of Soviet tanks. This mobile weapon’s platform brings destructive power to the enemy and therefor is correctly considered to have the characteristics of a land-based torpedo.

The first prototype was however made by Adolphe Kégresse, the French inventor of the halftrack, in 1940 in occupied Paris. Learning that the germans were interested in his vehicle he attempted to hide it by throwing it in the Seine river. The occupation authorities were able to recover his prototype.

The Goliath is being brought into position here. It looks to me like the image of the team leader in the photograph has been enhanced or possibly completely airbrushed in. It just doesn’t look real.

Here is a 1944 American news reel.

Often film material can be found in foreign archives that is in better condition than the German footage. This is part of a Norwegian news reel from March of 1945. It shows German Volkssturm which was made up mostly of men usually considered too old to fight receiving modern weapons. I’ll leave the original tone.

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