Hippo Human Stacey Abrahams calls POTUS a “Petty Tyrant” | Check Description

7 days ago

🤡Stacy Abrams, who we've recently learned attempted to extort $2 billion from taxpayers for her radical green group with the help of Joe Biden, went on CNN and called President Trump a "petty tyrant."

She says he's starting trade wars to cover up the fact that he "has failed to deliver on his day one promises." "Donald Trump is an early failure and he's hoping that by attacking folks like me and others, that we won't notice that he has failed and that he has no intention of delivering anything other than retribution. He is a petty tyrant who is surrounded by complicit flunkies and it is the job of Americans to stand up and say 'we want what we voted for' and that is progress for America, not petty revenge for Donald Trump."

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