8 days ago

As a general rule, when someone is visited by the gray ETs, they find themselves paralyzed, unable to move any part of their body except perhaps their eyes. “Don’t worry, we won’t hurt you,” the grays say. “Come with us.” It is perhaps the single most common phrase that the ETs say. For every rule, however, there are exceptions. In cases where people have no fear, they are often given freedom of movement. Others do have fear and will experience a fight or flight response. And in some rare outlying cases, witnesses are able to break free from their paralysis. And in a few of these cases, witnesses react by attacking the extraterrestrials and punching them in the face, choking them around the neck, or getting into some sort of physical altercation. It happens more often than you might think. This video presents more than a dozen cases in which people have actually assaulted gray aliens by pushing, kicking, choking or punching.

NOVEMBER 3, 1975: Woodcutter Travis Walton and six others encounter a UFO at treetop level in the Sitgreaves National Forest, Arizona. Travis runs under the UFO and is taken onboard. Confronted by grays, he physically fights with them.

APRIL 5, 2017: A young man from Del Valle, Texas is woken up by his dogs barking. Searching the house, he sees two grays entering in his mother’s bedroom. He reacts quickly, jumps forward and punches one of the grays in the head. When the second one grabbed him, the witness punched him too. And then a third gray comes in.

WINTER 1985: Patsy Wingate of Knoxville, Tennessee wakes up to see three grays approaching her. Reacting in self-defense, Patsy jumps up and chokes the middle gray, snapping its neck in two. Astonished, the other two grays scoop up the gray and flee!

1985: Tim, a sports-instructor from New Iberia, Louisiana wakes up to find himself lying on a table onboard a UFO. He breaks free from his paralysis and begins to explore. Grays come rushing in and Tim (a former bouncer at a bar) begins punching the grays, one after another. Suddenly a crowd of them surround him and Tim realizes he is out-numbered.

2016: “Gary” from Cumbria, England wakes up early one morning to go to the bathroom and encounters a gray in his living room. Angry at the repeated intrusions into his home, he bounds forward and grabs the gray around the neck. The gray starts screaming telepathically, “Let go, let go!” A few days later, the grays come again, and Gary is ready. This time he punches one in the face.

1982: Former Marine officer, “Ramon,” is taken onboard a UFO in San Fernando, California. He becomes angry when the grays try to collect genetic material from him. Summoning his combat training, he breaks free of the paralysis, jumps up and pushes one of the grays down to the floor.

August 13, 1975: Sergeant Charles Moody of Alamogordo, New Mexico is not happy when a UFO lands in front of his car, grays come out and try to pull him from his car. He opens his car door violently, knocking one of the grays down. Then he jumps up, bunches up his fist, and pounds one of the grays in the face.

October 27, 1975: David Stephens and his friend are driving near Oxford, Maine when a UFO takes control of their car. Moments later, grays exit and pull David onboard. When the ETs try to undress David for an examination, David resists. He quickly jumps off the table and hits one of the grays.

October 2010: Kevin is woken in his home in Bangor, Maine and pulled into a craft by gray aliens. After inserting a rod up inside his nose, Kevin becomes hostile. He quickly swings out his leg and kicks one of the grays, slamming it hard into the wall, where it collapses in a heap.

UNDATED: An anonymous teenager in high school (location not given) has a very unusual dream where grays enter his room and begin to do a weird procedure on his back. Having scoliosis, he thinks they might be healing him. However, scared and angry that the ETs were not communicating with him, he quickly throws a left hook as hard as he can at the gray’s cheek. The gray lets out a high-pitched scream.

There are more cases like these. John Mack has a case in which a man, angry at being examined, jumps up and chokes agree. Contactee Dolly Safran (from Georgia) recalls several instances where she was onboard and people reacted violently by punching the grays, pushing them down, or even breaking their arms. These cases show that, when confronted with the unknown, humans often become very fearful and react with violence. Even more importantly, they show that people can overpower the grays, who appear to be physically more fragile than humans. These cases have a lot to teach us both about humans and the grays, and our relationships to each other.

If you’d like to explore these cases and many others, check out the book, “Not from Here: Volume Four” all about the unusual and outlying cases of UFO contact. Now available!

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