MR. NON-PC: Hateful Intolerant LEFTISTS

18 hours ago

So it's been a huge issue for 10+ years now, and yet the majority of "conservatives" just WILL NOT admit nor discuss openly.

Now what's the "issue" you might ask? Well it's pretty simple....the issue that "liberals" are not even true liberals, and are instead a pack of HATEFUL INTOLERANT LEFTISTS!!!

(Definition of Liberal: willing to respect or accept behavior or opinions different from one's own; open to new ideas.
relating to or denoting a political and social philosophy that promotes individual rights, civil liberties, democracy, and free enterprise.)

After reading the definition of liberals, does the current and average "liberal" fall into this definition/category....NO!

Let's start referring to them as what they truly are.....HATEFUL INTOLERANT LEFTISTS!!!

It's long past time to get away from them as well. Stop keeping company with them, being "friends" with them and especially DOING THEIR SH*T for them......NO MORE!!!


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