SS Yacht Club - Kriegsmarine Shanty

22 days ago

Black Australian White Nationalist? RandBot did not sanction this and Nolzy would math you into a pretzel

Around blacks, (??????) relax!

Logos revealed he's a faggot
Weighing a buck 20 talking tough to Tuber
You're not Rockwell and Malcom, You're an edgy Libertarian
And an Indo-nesian Aryan, With a book club filled with nıggers
Dressed like a gay vampire, With a narrow head and snaggle teef
Lilly Gaddis don't like twinks and your posturing is see through
E Michael Jones shit on you, Your ego and Pseudo intellect got wrecked

I'm not your buddy, Pal
Well Dang, what's your name again?
You're not a nation state
You've lost the plot for fucks sake

This nıggers so dark and black that even the night crosses the street
All we see is teeth and Mark platforming monkeys
Your face is 3 quarters nose so Who knows the way the wind blows
A nıgger in your PUBG clan 'cause you love that man who saved your life
Negro league national socialists helping to secure a future for Whites
You found the blackest nıgger around, holy shit Mark, he's really fuckin dark

I'm not your buddy, Pal
Well Dang, what's your name again?
You're not a nation state
You've lost the plot for fucks sake

Around blacks, never relax

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