This probably my last thing I've said about white dimples face karen 03/5/25🥱🤡🥴🤥👎

11 hours ago

First of all white dimples face Karen little fat Stella am not stalker also yeah records for right reason to exposed you I've don't care whats you have to say your nuts lady and going to federal prison or psych ward and no did not strike your tiktok also what someone who's strike you see I've only strike you on my mined post who left went back om youtube to cry about it then yiu left live got scared I've told you not messed with me or anybody else they can going get you eventually you clamed to be whistle blower they killied whistle blower no that another lied like ogbrideofchucky was telling you your lying sack of sh!t Jane Carter pay you to find answered why son died you failed Jane you failed the Carter family Jane will refund back so probably fans who by in your crap probably best world got rid of you cuased you'd lying sack of sh!t and doxer and leaker number karma will get you eventually you nutbar old hag you just another Karen flash statement and your no whistle blower your and no crime author and no book seller and no book is going to not going to library or to congress and no your not going congress meet up president trump and what going is federal prison good luck on president trump pardon he might not do it who talk alot bullcrap to people and carterverse I've what's coming your way is bad karma heading your way and no is not threat his statement my dear all bad stuff comes your way cuased you are scammer and yiyr books will not sale they will flunked most definitely there not going internationally I've they burned your books put in a trash recycling bind got is trashed ganval and ogbrideofchucky and everyone had enough atm richie is suing your a$$ Melanie Martin is suing your a$$ bitach Louie hegerson suing your a$$ lori knight suing your a$$ angel howansky is suing your a$$ they all suing your a$$ your family disowned you hate your not going get no money inheritance so suck it sweaty all whats you did will haunt you and hope Peta call om you take way your dog you don't deserve have a dog that dog needs to be nice home someone who can take of of it hope seel help you need brain examination either hospital in jail cuased definitely a loony tune how that witnessed protection program going on not good either say you thought things help you and no faith won't help all thing you did people ten time fold dionne Lang people find real named that your government named cuaed you used it has Stella rose I've finally exposed you has fraud that why your hiding getting scared cuased Feds on to you it's time pay uo your federal crimes and you should gets charged for crimes your do online you cyber criminal hope you get schooled in court once they do and you were lying by putting lie dictating test they do which you won't passed then only then be in jail or federal prison it somebody found you dead in jail cell cuased you deserve it all the pain you cuased on people and ne anyone including Katie and e everyone else you deserve sorry not sorry I've envy toward ill will on people but deserve whats coming you your way bitach get ready your karma is getting ready hope god you forsake your soul whats your doned to people only you answered to the lord answered to God he forgive any one but stellaroseallday or stellaroseallday your biggest sinner you don't deserve no mercy from people you go to hell if grim reaper get you satan doesn't devour your white dimples face Karen cuased this last time ever clipped sm not going ymto not ever again this might last time will be last time once karma gets you that it like crystal Ann once said she suing you and everyone suing you say goodbye 👋 to everything you sit on your a$$ don't have a job or career your not live streamers is time government take all your things your social security health insurance leaved off street begging for money and become lazy bum what yes went there far I've eyed could come and hopefully your youtube threadsapp tiktok reddit your amazon book website facebook your Instagram is cooked and all terminated and you be canceled off internet for good everyone can sleep easy that your goned from this world from this planet should I've say goned from internet in Minecraft disliked 👎 always will have that all have to say this hurt in some many way probably dissappear from internet delete everything the gigged up Stella no one buying your crap anymore is time you tell war of angels people that yoy lied to them and then come clean once you do delete everything from social media your three facebook threadsapp your Twitter x tiktok canceled your Amazon book your reddit yeah canceled everything once you come clean tell Jame and fans delete everything from social media platforms and will be canceled and you disappeared from internet knowing you hurt alot people so this my send off to you white dimples face Karen goodbye for good it was nice knowing don't me or anyone else that matter dissappear never returned to innocent not ever again go away this time for good thank you and that is that it's over for you nice knowing bye bye bye so long I've won't make anymore content ever of these again cuased already all moving on from you once you are goned from the internet so long and goodbye 👋 forever and that about it that all she wrote glad clear this up thanks for listening finally stand up to her put her in her place is time stand up to bulky like these if Stella doned something to you stand uo ogbrideofchucky knows she lived Ashville north Carolina you guys can sued her in court is only matter she gets her karma and that all have to say about it enough said

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