01 - Toward the Light - Introduction

23 days ago

The world's most important book is presented here in English. In 13 parts you can now listen to truths about our origin and development. Humanity's spiritual leaders have led the human race from primitive beings, created by God's fallen children, to where we are today. This work was supposed to have created a new and final reformation of Christianity, since the work was created in a Christian country, Denmark. Finally, God and spiritual reality appear without dogma and superstition. Here you will find explanations that are obvious and therefore understandable to every clear-thinking person. Leave your childish faith behind you and discover God's never-failing love for all his children, be they those who follow the truth or those who for a time go astray. No one is forever lost, we will all one day find the way to God's presence and Kingdom! Rejoice!

The original Danish edition can be downloaded for free from this page, along with the English translation presented here:

The Norwegian translation made by the undersigned can be downloaded for free from this page: https://thelight.net/nedlasting.htm

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