5 Minutes Of Glen Ranting: Deceptive Cookbooks & Fake Nostalgia

22 hours ago

5 Minutes Of Glen Ranting About Deceptive Cookbooks & Fake Nostalgia Old Cookbook Show

People keep asking about my collection of old cookbooks and a bit about the research that goes into the old cookbook show. Today we'll tackle a sticky problem of the 'fake' cookbooks that you find at historic sites, and gift shops-these usually pull at the heartstrings of nostalgia and promise recipes from times gone by. But most often they are filled with contemporary recipes that bear little resemblance to recipes that would be true to 200 years ago. They sell and reinforce popular mythology and just muddy the water.

Research is hard.

Finding solid resources is hard

There are so many gaps in resources and we'll probably never fill in the gaps, there will always be questions.

It's really hard sometimes when researching to find solid information-meaning sometimes it's easy to be led astray and cite bad information.

These stories will be ever evolving as new books come to light.

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