SkyFire is officially DONE for

1 day ago

For more context go see REV's previous video about Neal |Aka SkyFire| ,(and other videos he's done discussing about Neal) : revs video

DNA ALSO has few video about Neal as well.

Neal is a 16 year old male who's been causing trouble and doing disturbing actions, saying gross and yet vile things. I do NOT allow anybody to slander, threaten, harass or go after the minor. What you CAN do is block and report his content.

whats the purpose of my video today?
well, we joined a call with him due to him doxxing a girl in his school, such as her face, personal information, home address and all. Why? because she was uncomfortable and he was doing something she didn't like what do ever (as explained in the video).

Again if you need better context of who Neal REALLY is as well (further info such as behaviour, history, an other important things).

So enjoy and spread the video like wildfire ✨

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