Metroid Fusion - wedNESday


Another Metroid title? Yes Please! After having tons of fun going through the Super Metroid Randomizer on our Cross-Game Co-Op Mulitworld streams it is time to try other entries in the franchise! Today we start going through Metroid Fusion (Gameboy Advanced) and see if how it feels compared to Metroid and Super Metroid (The only two I've played so far).

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Full Schedule + Recommend Some Games:

Sunday ~ TBD
BO3 Zombies Mapping Mondays ~ TBD
Tuesday Shell Shock Live / Worms WMD / Goat Simulator 3 ~ 7PM ET
Nintendo wedNESday ~ 7PM ET
Thursday Cross-Game Co-op Randomizer ~ 7PM ET
Friday ~ TBD
Sega Saturday ~ 1PM ET
SWITCH-IT-UP Saturday ~ 7PM ET

Stream may contain: Retrogaming, Retro Games, Live Chat, NES, SNES, Nintendo, Super Nintendo, GameCube, Gameboy, Video gaming, Gaming, Playthrough, Rumble Gaming, Gaming on Rumble, Retroarch

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