🔥 He Came To Set the Captives Free 🔥

17 hours ago

Dr. Rebecca Brown- Rebecca is a doctor starting at Memorial Hospital in training in internal medicine. A Christian woman with a history of RN working in the ER. She is Elaine’s roommate and a woman army in the hospital where she works where Satanists use patients as sacrifices and test subjects for their supernatural activities. As described in the book as “Christian Buffy” her faith in Christ puts her in conflicts with both Satan and the Brotherhood. But Christ provides supernatural powers and protection from the dark ones.

Elaine - A young girl turned Bride of Satan and a powerful witch. Rebecca Brown took Elaine under her care to cast out demons inside of her which lasted several months. Described as a beautiful blonde rich girl who was recruited by a girl named Sandy into the Brotherhood under the guise of a “youth camp” where she meets the Sisters of Light. They trained her in witchcraft, summoning demons, astral projection, and other supernatural powers. Engages in sexual acts with Satan in human form as his bride. She witnessed human sacrifices, astral projection attacks, demonic manifestations, the Black Sabbath, dueling satanic priests, and worked herself up the rank as a high priestess. Her primary demon guardians were Mann-Chan and Ri-Chan. Her transformation from demonic priestess to angel of light is told.

Satan- As described in the book as Prince Adam. The founder of the Brotherhood. Although not omnipresent he provides supernatural powers to his thralls. Very handsome-looking young Brad Pitt with a taste for expensive wine and champagne. Also has a taste for beautiful human women. Which sheds light on the Nephilim. A major antagonist in his secret societies is his former bride Elaine, and the late Dr. Rebecca Brown. Deals with the prince of this world much like all scams have are unvoidable. Only broken by his nemesis Jesus Christ. In the book, he brings Hell to the lives of Dr. Rebecca Brown the same as he did with the prophets of the Bible and disciples.

The Brotherhood- A powerful secretive dangerous cult controlled by Satan. It has two major centers in the US- West Coast, mostly in the LA SF area, and another in the mid-western US. The covens range to several thousand. The same cult is mentioned in Hal Lindsey and Mike Warnoke’s books. US counterparts to the group in England written in a book by Doreen Irvine. No written records of the membership are kept. These Satanists infest every level of society the poor and rich. Most of them are in high-class positions and attend Christian churches. Be on guard as they are masters of deception involved in all works of charity. They live double lives. In reality, they are rigidly disciplined by Satan and his hierarchy of demons. And they are NOT atheists, they have no respect nor fear for God and His side of the supernatural.

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