The Homelessness Hustle: Who's Really Cashing In? | Episode 105

4 hours ago

In this episode, Ron and Kristin, do a deep dive into the truth behind one of the biggest scams in modern politics—the business of homelessness and the money pit that is illegal immigration. This isn’t just a failure of leadership; this is intentional mismanagement, designed to benefit everyone except the people footing the bill—you, the taxpayer.

Note: This episode is by no means directed towards those who have found themselves homeless, and, we commend all of those churches and nonprofits who selflessly take care of these people. As a matter of fact, Ron visited SKID Row in LA, and he shares some interesting information from that visit. Next, this episode asks the questions, "Why do elected officials do more for people who didn’t elect them than those who did?"; "Why are Americans struggling with skyrocketing costs while billions of our tax dollars go to housing illegals and enabling the homelessness industry?"; Finally, "with this much money aimed at the problem, why hasn't the homeless population decreased." Follow the money, and you’ll see exactly why.

Don't miss this unique take on the business of homelessness in the United States.



Co-hosts: Ron Ward and Kristin Sokoloff
Sponsor: 4Ward Operations
Producer: Stephen Ridley
Facebook Group Administrator: Cassy Roop

Where leadership meets entertainment! This weekly podcast takes both a humorous and intense look at leadership through impactful stories, a

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