Bury the Booking Podcast | Chondel Wilborn | Devin Davis | Elimination Chamber/Raw Review

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Get caught up on the latest wrestling news with Lito & Sinista1 as they give their thoughts on last night's Raw & the Elimination Chamber PLE

Chondel Wilborn & Devin Davis of the "Bury the Booking Podcast"

YouTube | @BuryTheBooking

TSLP Hosts
IG | @legendsareborninseptember
IG | @sinista1

©Flamborghini “Picture Me”
AD | Oscar Mike Radio, IGY6 & Wreaths Across America
AD | Black Men’s Wellness Group
AD | The Booth
AD | Fight Camp (Co-Supporter of Oscar Mike Radio & Sinista1 Productions)

*Elimination Chamber Review
*Raw on Netflix Review
*Road to Wrestlemania

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