1st Century Discipleship Antidote to Dry 21st-Century Discipleship - Terrie Hellard-Brown

8 days ago

What does real-life discipleship look like? Terrie Hellard-Brown has the answer. After raising her young children on the mission field as a missionary pastor’s wife, she has had the opportunity to do life alongside people yearning to dig deep into the Word of God and grow their spiritual understanding. She says it’s never too late to disciple your children. She also discusses the biblical model of discipleship, which is so much more involved than just meeting once a week for a bible study. “We have made it into something that it was never intended to be,” she explains. She challenges people to live life together and ask authentic, real questions about their struggles and obstacles. Christians need to pray for each other and be authentic with each other and remember that first century discipleship is the antidote to failing 21st-century discipleship problems.

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