Jessica Watkins: "They would beat us for singing the national anthem"

17 hours ago

Jessica Watkins: "The guards were often very racist. You know, they called us racist names, like, you know, Trump’s sons of bitches and things like that.

We were in solitary confinement because of COVID. Even long after COVID, they used this as an excuse. So we started off being in our cells 23 hours a day. You had one hour outside to make calls to your loved ones, call your lawyer, or prepare some kind of food. But there were periods when we didn’t leave our cells for weeks. It took me almost three weeks before I had my first shower. You had to clean yourself in the sink.

I mean, there’s the beating of Ryan Samsel that happened. Three guards zip-tied his wrists to his ankles, and then they beat him to the point where he almost lost an eye.

Jake Lang was beaten for singing the national anthem.

Another man was pepper-sprayed for not wearing his COVID mask properly. He had it up to here, not over his nose. And then she pulled out her can and sprayed him in the face. Things like that.

They targeted me, especially after my trial, searching through my discovery, threatening to beat me if I didn’t hand over attorney-client privilege materials. And all of this was documented. And I mean, even when I went to the BOP, there’s Lieutenant S. Holmes. She slammed me against a fence. She just threw me against a fence for no reason at all."

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