#250 | Matt Jr on the Way, Joe Falls UP the Stairs, ‘Whiteness Is a Pandemic’ | Matt & Blonde Show

18 hours ago

Streamed live on Mar 21, 2021
*Please note - the information posted below was accurate when originally streamed. Links may now be outdated and/or inactive.

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Artwork by Facepalm Reality
Facepalm Reality's Twitter: http://bit.ly/2AZfI4V
Facepalm Reality's YouTube channel: http://bit.ly/2uxbrr9

Free Fallin’ remix: https://bit.ly/3eZ9vhd
Bearing and SugarTits' cover of "Catch the Wind": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DPZtCSScFWM
Additional music by Chris Gard, Morbicae Official: https://bit.ly/2GrOAnv

Items referenced:
The ultrasound is sensitive content: https://bit.ly/2PhafTL
Two charged in Brian Sicknick case: https://bit.ly/3bO3RMQ
Joy Behar says Antifa is not real, references Sicknick lie: https://bit.ly/3f0LZA9
Chauvin trial may have been delayed after $27M settlement: https://bit.ly/30RKrAe
Floyd trial will not be delayed: https://archive.is/wip/hZrhv
George Floyd prior arrest video will be admissible: https://bit.ly/3c4zfXx
FBI’s Nashville bombing findings: https://bit.ly/2NBZtXU
Drag Queen story hour guy busted: https://bit.ly/3lqE0Oc
Biden falls on plane stairs: https://bit.ly/391sPqm
White House blames ‘wind’: https://bit.ly/3rcpTwZ
Kamala live reaction: https://bit.ly/3tDkKzK
Joe says watch how I run up ramps: https://bit.ly/317faJD
CNN Trump stair report: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q1kEbcXahOA
Drew Holden thread of Trump stair news: https://bit.ly/3vJMepb
Biden formed a sw4st1k4 when he fell: https://bit.ly/2NDGWKV
Don Jr.’s meme is ‘edited video’: https://bit.ly/3cSnbYz
Biden ‘green screen’ clips: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g0139UytcR8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qAPYk1XjwhU
‘Green screen’ explanation: https://bit.ly/3tzrU8f
President Harris and I: https://bit.ly/2QaT1YK
China slams US over BLM: https://bit.ly/3vJZFps
Biden yells at Blinken over purple hair lady: https://bit.ly/2Ny4bWJ
Putin challenges Biden to debate: https://abcn.ws/38YJYkh
Atlanta shooter’s s3x addiction: https://bit.ly/3s7AElz
AJC’s reporting on the spas: https://bit.ly/3s3j56h
Jen Psaki blames Trump for Atlanta, anti-Asian hate crimes: https://bit.ly/3cHnu8u
Justice Department stats on race and crime: https://bit.ly/38SGVdy
Black hate crimes against Asians is white supremacy: https://bit.ly/38Or9A4
Whiteness is a pandemic: https://archive.is/TmXB5
Gupta explains masking after vax: https://bit.ly/3bZFNXh
6 foot distance totally made up: https://archive.is/274Fk
Mask separation anxiety: https://bit.ly/2OGnb62
Coroner questions Illinois CV deaths: https://bit.ly/3tAb0Gt
Hoax hate, San Antonio Asian noodle restaurant: https://bit.ly/3vNZaKY
Images of the graffiti: https://bit.ly/3r7RRdt
Owner appears on CNN: https://bit.ly/3c54dii
Prior GoFundMe: https://bit.ly/2OKydHr

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