30 Percent Of Men Are Not The Father. #paternitytest #paternityfraud #dnatesting #childsupport

6 hours ago

30 percent of men are not the father. #paternitytest #paternityfraud #dnatesting #childsupport. For Educational Purposes Only. At least three different organizations have stated that about 30 percent of men who come to them for DNA testing of their children "are not the father". It's extremely important that you get a DNA test on All of your children. It does not make any sense to be paying for a child for 20 years then find out that the child is not yours. It now takes over $400,000 to raise a child to only 18 years old. It can save you a lot of wasted money and time If you would get all of your children DNA tested to see If they are your children. We have seen too many shows on T.V. for too many years showing thousands of men finding out that they are not the father. Get It Done.

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