The U.S. Has to Recognize That CCP Is the Real Threat That It Face

1 day ago

02/28/2025 Documentary for the 2nd Anniversary of the Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party: Large amounts of capital flowing to China goes directly into CCP’s pockets and CCP use it against the U.S. and for atrocities such as genocide. CCP directly fueled the fentanyl crisis in America and tried to weaken our freedom with malign influence and United Front work. The U.S. must decouple from CCP to reduce risks.
#CCP #US #UnitedFront #Fentanyl #genocide #maligninfluence #decouple #derisk
02/28/2025 中共问题特设委员会两周年纪录片:流向中国的大量资本直接进入了中共的腰包,中共将其用于对付美国和种族灭绝等暴行。中共直接助长了美国的芬太尼危机,并试图通过恶意影响和统战工作来削弱美国的自由。美国必须与中共脱钩以降低风险。
#中共 #美国 #统战 #芬太尼 #种族灭绝 #恶意影响 #脱钩 #去风险

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