#249 | Gov’t-Permitted Independence Day, Pentagon v Tucker, Gun Control Afoot | Matt & Blonde Show

5 hours ago

Streamed live on Mar 14, 2021
*Please note - the information posted below was accurate when originally streamed. Links may now be outdated and/or inactive.

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Artwork by Facepalm Reality
Facepalm Reality's Twitter: http://bit.ly/2AZfI4V
Facepalm Reality's YouTube channel: http://bit.ly/2uxbrr9

Fast Car remix: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7dzaVrhphlE
Bearing and SugarTits' cover of "Catch the Wind": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DPZtCSScFWM
Additional music by Chris Gard, Morbicae Official: https://bit.ly/2GrOAnv

Items referenced:
DLive’s new content policy: https://bit.ly/3tfPgQ8
Mob justice in Brazil: https://bit.ly/38nJZxR https://bit.ly/3rw07VI
Abbott supports social media free speech bill: https://bit.ly/3kQVenF
Abbott calls Gab anti-Semitic: https://bit.ly/3bz9wGk
The bill Abbott is promoting: https://bit.ly/3vpZorx
George Floyd settlement: https://politi.co/2PWl26d
Rittenhouse trial delayed: https://bit.ly/3ezEQqt
Cuomo now has 7 accusers: https://7ny.tv/2OPxV1u
Cuomo impeachment: https://cnn.it/2NfoE2e
Joe sets the record for kids in cages: https://wapo.st/3vqgPIg
Brian Stelter’s duct tape production: https://bit.ly/3evNC8G
Biden directs states to have vax available to all on May 1: https://cnn.it/3eCxSkt
Biden targets July 4: https://bit.ly/3csgX1e
No fireworks at Mount Rushmore: https://bit.ly/3voZorK
CDC gives ‘limited freedoms’: https://bit.ly/2OnEDMw
Fauci on ‘the science’: https://bit.ly/3cjfgDl
Fauci asked about global warming bringing more pandemics: https://bit.ly/2OviDPF
CV will never end: https://bit.ly/3exs1x0
Vax is the price of admission: https://archive.is/JNszi
CV hospitalizations were overweight/obese: https://bit.ly/3t84yXf
Biden can’t remember his defense secretary’s name or the Pentagon: https://bit.ly/3rtnrmQ
No questions for Biden at the hardware store: https://bit.ly/3v2CTZk
Original Tucker clip on pregnant pilots: https://bit.ly/2OSyYh0
Pentagon response: https://bit.ly/2Oni0b1
Scott Stalker responds: https://bit.ly/2Nj0Lac
2015 Marine Corps mixed-gender unit study: https://bit.ly/3lgAc1P
Women are failing the Army’s gender neutral fitness test: https://archive.is/SC8fb
Other military reactions: https://bit.ly/3vm0eVY https://bit.ly/3cxIxtV
MEF deleted tweet 1: https://archive.is/Affwl
MEF deleted tweet 2: https://archive.is/Mfns6
Marine unit admits they ‘messed up’: https://bit.ly/3qKCAis
House passes two gun control bills: https://bit.ly/30FYnxp
More info on 1446: https://bit.ly/3lh8dPz
Assault weapon ban introduced: https://bit.ly/3bIXvhy
Violent crime rate, 90-19: http://bit.ly/2O82BHY
Mass shooting propaganda: https://archive.is/sE8Rr
Filibuster reform: https://nbcnews.to/2OzEPYO
Feinstein concealed carry: https://bit.ly/3tgcV2S
West coast rioting: https://fxn.ws/2Ou74s1
Portland clips: https://bit.ly/2OhWVid
LA clip: https://bit.ly/3ctURM3
Beheading hoax hate: https://bit.ly/2OfeFuo
Meghan Markle and the dishes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A5JK2o0iss0
Markle for pres: https://bit.ly/3lhiStO

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