06 - Speech of God's Servant

5 hours ago

These 3 pages of a speech from one of God's 12 servants are so concentrated in their content that they contain a summary of the entire world drama. And through his servant, God asks humanity when we will open our eyes and see the connections of earthly life, understand that we ourselves create our future. But first and foremost, God's Servant says this: “Choose now the ways that you and those after you shall walk in the time to come! Choose without constraint! For Almighty God compels no one, and none shall compel his neighbor. But pray you all unto your Father to strengthen your will, that it may overcome evil and bring you forward toward the Light! Human beings! Your Father yearns for you; He follows you through good and evil. He follows you through sorrow and joy, whether you walk in the deepest Darkness or in the brightest Light. His love for you is beyond measure and His patience is without bound.”

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