OOPSIE! Eric Swalwell DUMB Enough To Give Away The REAL Reason Dems Want Ukraine War To Continue

4 hours ago

Posted • March 4, 2025: Believe it or not, Eric Swalwell is even dumber than he looks. We know that doesn't seem possible, but it's true. Last week, he allegedly babbled on and on about how he prefers 10s over his wife and other horrible 'secrets' to lobbyists while he'd had a few, and this week, he's admitting how lucrative the Ukrainian war has been. We all know why they want to continue the war, and it has nothing to do with democracy and everything to do with MONEY. Heck, Swalwell said so: Rep. Eric Swalwell: Funding Ukraine has "been the greatest return on investment for any military expenditure ever, and as far as the return on investment for soldiers' lives, it's infinity, because you can't divide zero." —— War is super lucrative. Oh sure, nearly 13k Ukrainians have died during this war so far BUT there is a great return on investment. What a schmuck. By "greatest return on investment," he actually means kickbacks for him and other politicians. *cough cough*

What an absolute clown. Nearly 13k Ukrainian civilians have lost their lives, Rep. Swalwell… and you want to talk about return on investment? That’s sick. Swalwell is off his rocker. Dead lives are not to be celebrated, whether they are Russian, Ukrainian, or other lives. His ROI analogy is ridiculous. I'm sorry that he represents our Congress and our country--he shouldn't be doing either. Fang Fang would be so proud.

Twitchy: OOPSIE! Eric Swalwell DUMB Enough to Give Away the REAL Reason Dems Want Ukraine War to Continue

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