Unlocking Your Psychic Abilities: The Power of Mentorship, Protection & Mastery w/ Brandi Van

1 day ago

Episode #111 - In this episode of the Awakened Heart Podcast, I sit down with Brandi Van, an intuitive psychic medium, to explore the world of psychic abilities and the power of intuition.

Brandi shares how she first discovered her gifts at a young age, how the passing of her grandmother deepened her abilities, and why mentorship is crucial in developing intuitive skills.

We dive into the different clair senses—clairvoyance, clairsentience, clairaudience, and more—and how we can strengthen them in our daily lives.

Brandi also explains the importance of energetic protection, ensuring we don’t absorb the emotions and energies of those around us. She shares techniques to set energetic boundaries and avoid getting emotionally hijacked.

We also discuss:

- Trusting your intuition and taking action on it
- Connecting with deceased loved ones and grieving pets
- The role of ego in spiritual growth
- Manifestation and setting clear intentions for the life you desire

This conversation is full of insights on embracing your unique gifts, tuning into your inner wisdom, and stepping into your authentic power.

Listen now and learn how to awaken your intuition!

Connect with Brandi Van:

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"The Awakened Heart Podcast" available on all podcast players:

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4GjFH6cqjWWitBfUZxa066

Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-awakened-heart-podcast-with-nancy-walters/id1507253957

Website: https://www.theawakenedheartcollective.com/


* Everything happens in the right order and timing.
* Early experiences with psychic abilities can be confusing and isolating.
* Having a mentor can significantly accelerate psychic development.
* Protecting your energy is crucial when developing psychic abilities.
* There are various clair senses that can be developed and recognized.
* Ego can block spiritual messages and needs to be managed.
* Practical exercises can enhance receptivity to spiritual guidance.
* Grieving pets can be a profound experience, and they remain connected to us.
* Manifestation requires action and intention, not just positive thinking.
* Living authentically leads to a deeper understanding of one's purpose.

Sound Bites
"It is like a game changer."
"You want to ask something small."
"They trust us wholeheartedly."

00:00 Introduction to Psychic Abilities and Mentorship
05:38 The Importance of Mentorship in Psychic Development
11:23 Understanding the Clear Senses
18:50 Practical Steps to Enhance Intuition
26:42 Identifying and Aligning Psychic Abilities with Life Purpose
33:50 Developing Psychic Abilities and Boundaries
39:35 Finding Peace and Healing through Spiritual Connection
44:46 Lessons from Animals and Grieving Process
51:15 Living with an Awakened Heart

psychic abilities, mentorship, energy protection, clair senses, ego, intuition, spiritual guidance, grieving pets, manifestation, living authentically

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