Treatment Update: Fashion and TBI, Gut Assist, BEAM Minerals & Energy Bits

3 hours ago

I had a good day the day that I filmed this and then promptly crashed the following day. I am currently in Rapid Liver Reset and am doing fairly well. I’m having minor histamine issues, an increase in insomnia, dull liver pain, gallbladder pangs, and slowed gut motility. Retracing is a nightmare given all that there is to retrace, but ultimately I think I'm doing the right thing by being in this course.

It's amazing to me how different I was while concussed. I lost interest in things that I would at one point say were a vital part of who I am. In this video, I discuss my lack of opinion on fashion, which was my major in college. I learned to sew as a child and was drafting patterns and designing my own clothes by age 13. Once I was concussed, I stopped sewing altogether and was unable to design patterns, let alone follow one. I attribute this to my brain damage, or more specifically the inability to comprehend spatial awareness which directly impacted my ability to understand how a sewing pattern worked. When I was designing patterns and also during the process of sewing, I was able to construct the finished product in my head, spin it, and turn it inside out much like you'd see in a CAD program. During my third cycle of CerebroPep (the peptide that healed my brain damage that's similar to Cerebrolysin), I decided to see if I could draft a pattern and then successfully finish it. I went with something simple: a fabric cat house with a pillow inside. To my surprise, I was able to not only draft the pattern but complete the project. I struggled a bit with it as I was unable to completely turn it inside out in my head as I could pre-injury, but I was still able to finish it without any major mistakes. This was my first successful sewing project since 2006. Here's a photo:

I've added some new products to my protocol that I am extremely happy with.

1. Dr. Danielle's Gut Assist: A welcome addition to my leaky gut situation that contains l-glutamine, arabinogalactan, deglycyrrhizinated licorice extract, and aloe vera extract. I'm a big fan of l-glutamine for leaky gut because it helps me with pain, inflammation, and other symptoms which you can read about here:

2. BEAM Minerals Micro-Boost and Electrolyze: I take these two together every morning. They provide optimal replenishment of minerals, micronutrients, and electrolytes. In 2019, I had a seizure while I was trying to fall asleep from low potassium and since then, I've been extremely vigilant to watch for the symptoms of a seizure. It's a feeling that's difficult to describe, but since starting these products, I feel less short circuity and much of the twitching I was experiencing stopped.

3. Energy Bits: Spirulina and Recovery Bits: Chlorella: I'm pleasantly surprised with these products. I'm taking the spirulina for energy, the chlorella for mold exposure, and both for their nutritional value. I like that they come in tablets so that I don't have to taste the algae and a big shout out to their clever packaging.

1. I'm working on an interview series to present to Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to change the healthcare system. Despite being as sick as I am, I'm making real progress and will hopefully make my deadline of 3/31/25. I will be sharing some of the interviews here on my channel.

2. I'm continuing to leave the house.

3. Being sick and injured is no easy feat on your finances. TBI took my ability to manage money in any capacity, but since HRT, IASIS and peptide therapy that's no longer the case and I'm steadily working on rebuilding my credit.

4. I currently don't own a car that I can drive because the one I own is full of toxic mold from a leaky sunroof. I'm currently preparing to either sell or scrap it and am planning on purchasing a new car once I'm financially able so that I can reclaim my independence. I'm looking forward to driving around listening to music and doing my own grocery shopping again.

1. Finish interview series.
2. Keep doing what I'm doing because something is working.

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