Voodoo Priestesses - Ep.302 - Holosky Podcast

1 day ago

Welcome back to the show everyone, while on the hunt for some witch stories we stumbled across some women of voodoo. It starts off with Julia Brown, a woman who helped out her town everyday. She practiced voodoo and became the town healer. People knew they could count on Julia, not only was she always there but her abilities really did help the locals. One day she was over heard singing a damning tune about how when she died the town would go with her. Knowing that Julia also had the ability to predict things the town became terrified. Then we jump into the Queen Of Voodoo, Marie Laveau. She was well known in New Orleans and even more so respected. A woman who walked the streets like she owned them, and for the most part at the time she really did. She would dance in the square with snakes invoking the spirits and having the entire town square join her. One thing that Marie became even more known for was her abilities to find out everyone’s secrets. She knew everything about everyone and somethings those secrets would be used against you. We hope you enjoy the show and as always stay safe and stay weird.

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