INCREDIBLY DELICIOUS CAKE ~ Soft Chocolate and Honey Cake Recipe | Violet's Home Food

5 hours ago

Bake the thinnest chocolate and honey cake layers, make a custard SEMOLINA cream with a note of lemon...
Can you feel it already?🤤
So soft and moist, intense flavor and aroma, mildly sweet mmm It will be so TASTY!

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📖 Recipe Below:

120 ml milk
195 g honey
75 g unsalted butter
a pinch of salt
200 g sugar
1 tsp baking soda
2 eggs
40 g cocoa powder
620 g all-purpose flour

750 ml milk
130 g semolina
a pinch of salt
200 g sugar
1 p vanilla sugar
200 g butter
80 g lemon juice

120 ml Milch
195 g Honig
75 g ungesalzene Butter
eine Prise Salz
200 g Zucker
1 Teelöffel Backpulver
2 Eier
40 g Kakaopulver
620 g Allzweckmehl

750 ml Milch
130 g Grieß
eine Prise Salz
200 g Zucker
1 P Vanillezucker
200 g Butter
80 g Zitronensaft

120 ml de leche
195 g de miel
75 g de mantequilla sin sal
una pizca de sal
200 g de azúcar
1 cucharadita de bicarbonato
2 huevos
40 g de cacao en polvo
620 g de harina

750 ml de leche
130 g de sémola
una pizca de sal
200 g de azúcar
1 p de azúcar vainillado
200 g de mantequilla
80 g de zumo de limón

#cakerecipe #chocolatecake #honeycake #violetshomefood #layercake #bakingrecipe #baking
#homemadecake #homemadebaking

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