Mortgage Fockery

15 days ago

Your mortgage was sold and paid off - but you're still making payments? Say what?

A shocking truth about mortgage fraud and how banks profit from loan sales.

The hidden money trail....

If you signed for a mortgage, fraud has been committed upon you.

Fraud violates your private rights which makes it a common law claim.

Your mortgage was paid.
Take a listen to what actually happens.

This goes on all day every day.

Now do you understand why they so easily give unqualified people loans, including illegals, and California & New York gave ZERO MONEY DOWN loans to people with no credit history?

So how can you know if your mortgage was sold?
By getting the highest level of a forensic audit.

When Trump was going through his NY case, I volunteered to pay for the forensic audit of his loan(s)!

He could have taken down the entire system.

Banks never lose.
They steal.

The double dip and make so much money on the back end it would make your head spin.

So what's your remedy?
Using the audit to call them out on the fraud.

Then using their own Uniform Commercial Code to get them to respond to the fraud.

Do you think they respond and risk discovery of the audit?

Follow me to financial freedom!

If you'd like a forensic audit of your mortgage, we offer this class and service inside our

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