Army Veteran $old into Bondage via ADMINISTRATIVE HEARING

5 hours ago

& it look like he's pissed off!

& Why shouldn't he be?
Why shouldn't We ALL be?

We are being $old by Foreign Interest minister$ of the Church ACTING as State in these Bank$ acting like Courts.

$elling American men women children through the back ends of these banks/courts/ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS

The new Inquisition

Is there anyone out there comprehending any of this?

This Ponzi scheme fraud has got to fucking STOP!!!!

CP$ Selling Children into FOSTER CARE system$ has got to Stop!!!

Can I get a Hoo Ra in the comment section below if you are FED UP WITH THE FED!!!

Fed up with these unconstitutional money practices
Selling Americans into BONDAGE using Unlawful Bonds to do their evil bidding$!!!

Di$$olve this Agency
Piss on their funny money
Don't accept digits or dollars

Demand Our gold & Silver coin minted

We the People need to mobilize and Assemble ASAP New Constitutional Convention, Philadelphia Pennsylvania.

Not in Our Name!!!

We will Rise!

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