Gov'Na KEVIN HOYT - GUILTY!?! Fair & balanced news? Plea in the comments below-

4 hours ago

Wait for it... Maybe write the Bennington Banner with your opinion?

NOW COMES the Defendant. Kevin Hoyt, Pro - se, and files the following Defendant’s CHANGE OF PLEA with the State and the Court.

1. The court held a status conference on February 26, 2025. The Plaintiff reminded the court that, per their own Order; the State still owed the court an explanation as to the reason the State failed to respond to the Defendant’s motion to dismiss in a timely manner as outlined by this court and why the time was needed for the extension and reason’s to work outside of normal law and procedure as provided by the court’s graciousness.

2. This court also denied the Defendant the opportunity to deposition the State’s witnesses based on the three alleged misdemeanor offenses, as depositions are not allowed for misdemeanors. In the Feb 26, 2025 status conference, the state notified the court of its intentions to combine the three violations into one charge. The Defendant objected. The Defendant believes the State’s unethical and unprofessional ways of operation are illegal.
By combining the three counts against the Defendant, the State can now charge the Defendant with a felony and have effectively circumvented due process and the Defendant’s right to depositions. The Defendant predicted and vocally relayed that concern to this court in a previous court hearing when depositions were denied. The Defendant predicted the State’s move and informed the court that was why three “counts” were needed and intentionally “stacked” against him. The Bennington County State’s Attorney’s office has unfortunately become infamous for that and denying discovery. In combination with other factors, the Defendant believes he has been deprived of his rights under 18 USC 242.

3. The Defendant started his arraignment and ended the February 26 Status conference by quoting applicable sections the Law of War as a free, living man on God’s soil who now believes (based the Defendant’s Court Admissions 1 & 2) that the State prosecutors and the court are involved with capital crimes unrelated to this case with the exception of the political and retaliatory nature against the Defendant. The Defendant does not contract with the court or the state and does not want to be a part of those crimes directly or indirectly. The Defendant does not believe he can win in what he perceives as a “rigged system”. The words used herein such as Defendant are terms made and defined by this system, not Kevin Hoyt the living man.

4. The US Supreme Court has ruled that an Abuse Prevention Order that has the term “can not post about someone” is unconstitutional on face value. Such a ruling places a prior restraint on the Defendant and his First Amendment Rights. Both the State and the Court received that SCOTUS decision and additional case law in the Defendant’s memorandum of law that the State failed to respond to. The Court’s decision and use of the “collateral Bar rule” signify that “is does not matter” if the original Court Order was “unconstitutional” and the focus of this court was simply if the Defendant broke the illegal Order. The Defendant was told he could not use the First Amendment in court but still insists this is 100% political and retaliatory. Under these circumstances, the Defendant believes it IS possible for a jury to find him guilty.

5. For the reasons above and to save the court valuable time and money, The Defendant accepts the attached Global plea offer from the State dated December 5, 2024. With a change of plea, the Defendant now pleads no contest to one count in docket 22-CR-10062, a violation of an abuse prevention Order restricting him from posting “about CB redacted” and his crimes and abuses. The court records note that no direct or indirect contact was attempted by the Defendant this entire time. The State agrees to drop the other two charges (counts), and the Defendant agrees to pay the $50 fine and go through the “restorative justice” process that does not require probation or incarceration.

6. Sidenote for the court: As per the Department of Internal Revenue Service and the Cochran Law firm out of LA, The Bennington County Court Diversion Program Inc (EIN: 03-0284675) matches the EIN with The Mount Anthony
Preservation Society; the Non-Profit owned by the late Judge James Colvin in Bennington. All this information was given to the State and the Court on Feb. 3, 2025, at the change of plea hearing.
Respectfully submitted,

Kevin Hoyt


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