The FBI agents manipulated and fabricated evidence

4 hours ago

Jessica Watkins: "Yeah, so they manipulated everything. They fabricated evidence, falsified testimonies, and threatened our witnesses. They committed perjury. Numerous FBI agents and law enforcement officers committed perjury against us.

There was a call log that they copied and pasted. They took a previous call log of mine, copied and pasted it, then changed the timestamps and dates, altered the call durations, and said, "Well, here’s Miss Watkins coordinating a strike on the Capitol." But my phone wasn’t working. The cell towers were overloaded. So there were no phone calls.

They got caught on this, and I called my attorney. He asked, "What’s wrong? What’s wrong?" And I said, "They’re lying. They’re lying. I didn’t make any phone calls. They’re lying." He said, "Show me." Then the paralegal pulled out her laptop and said, "Oh, I’ll be darned. There are literally no calls here." And I said, "I know, that’s what I’m trying to tell you."

So they created this entire fake call log. We proved it in trial. We subpoenaed one FBI agent, and they testified against another FBI agent, proving that they committed perjury. And still, we were found guilty on some of our charges.

We were all facing life in prison when we went to trial. They were trying to push seditious conspiracy. All five of us were charged with seditious conspiracy and destruction of government property. Not one of us touched the property, yet they charged us with these two things.

And they said, "Well, if we can combine the two, we can get a terrorism enhancement and send you to prison for life. So take this 20-year plea deal."

We said, "Well, I didn’t do it." So we went to trial, and in the end—except for Kelly Megs and Stewart Rhodes, whom I truly believe are innocent of this charge—all of us were found not guilty on both of those charges.

I think even the credibility of the DOJ was shaken by our jury, which was a DC jury. I mean, this was the Oath Keepers trial, and every single person, including Stewart Rhodes, was found not guilty on those charges. That’s astonishing when you consider the DC jury pool, for sure."

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