NOAA Noisemakers: Ex-Federal Workers Unleash Rapid Response Choir To Torment Elon Musk And DOGE

3 hours ago

Posted • March 4, 2025: Laid-off workers from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) gathered Monday to protest their severances which were the result of Elon Musk and DOGE. As with all union layoffs, there was singing involved. Horrible, unnecessary singing. We thought a few bars of the American standard ‘Stormy Weather’ would be in order but we got a crusty protest song instead. Boo! —— Laid-off NOAA employees have gathered to sing in protest against DOGE and Elon Musk. 🤦‍♂️ Wrong, it was taken away. You know it’s a federal emergency when NOAA unleashes its Rapid Response Choir. Seriously, they have one and that’s what it’s called. 🤣 “Rapid Response Choir." That’s what they’re calling themselves, apparently. Oh hey…look on the bright side…Musk got them to come to work! That's the most they've done in 10 years. These weather workers couldn’t decide whether to be taken seriously or to sing a few songs as they do over beers at The Cold Front bar and grill.

Imagine losing your job and deciding the best way to get it back is forming a karaoke club. These people really think singing is gonna stop DOGE? Pure clown show. “Hands off our NOAA” - That about sums up the bureaucracy in a nutshell. They think taxpayer dollars are their birthright. Aren't they simply proving our point that these are simply partisan agencies? Imagine using the time off doing this instead of taking a vacation or looking for a new job or finally getting to the stuff you want to fix in your house that you never had time to do. We are not the same. NOAA doesn’t belong to these ex-workers which is just another reason for getting rid of them. They should have spent the last several days planning on what comes next since it won’t involve ‘their’ NOAA. These concerted efforts don’t play with the vast audience of Americans. Stuck in the 60's protest mindset. This stuff is cringe voter repellant to vast majority of Americans. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - NOAA Noisemakers: Ex-Federal Workers Unleash Rapid Response Choir to Torment Elon Musk and DOGE

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