Day 63: Leadership, LEGACY, And A Farewell - Insights From Deuteronomy 31-34 | Bible In A Year (CSB)

5 hours ago

On Day 63 of our "Bible in a Year" journey, we reach the poignant conclusion of Deuteronomy with chapters 31-34. Moses prepares Israel for his departure, commissioning Joshua, delivering a song of warning and hope, and blessing the tribes before his death. These final chapters reflect on faithfulness, transition, and God’s enduring promise as the people stand ready to enter the Promised Land.

1. How does Moses’ encouragement to Joshua (“Be strong and courageous”) in Deuteronomy 31 inspire us when we face transitions or uncertainties in our own lives?

2. The song in chapter 32 serves as both a warning and a testimony—what role do you think remembering God’s history with us plays in staying faithful?

3. Moses’ death and his view of the Promised Land from afar (chapter 34) are bittersweet—what can we learn from his life about obedience, trust, and unfinished journeys?

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