NY Businesses Sue Kathy Hochul Over $75B Climate Change Law, Say It Will Make Consumers Pay More

4 hours ago

Posted • March 3, 2025: In December, we told you New York planned to charge oil and energy companies for damage from 'climate change.' At the time, this writer said those companies should shut down and leave the state. When New Yorkers are without heat in winter and no way to refrigerate or cook food or charge their cell phones, maybe politicians would get the message. But she'll settle for them suing Hochul, for now: Businesses sue Hochul over ‘illegal and misguided’ $75B climate law, claiming it will cause a spike in costs to consumers. A coalition of business and trade groups is suing the Hochul administration over a law that will force oil, natural gas and coal companies to pay $75 billion for spewing carbon emissions. Gov. Kathy Hochul’s administration claimed the law was necessary to combat the companies contributing to climate change for decades — but critics said the extra costs will be passed along to consumers through prices at the pump and heating bills.

'This law is not only illegal and misguided, but it will likely increase the cost of energy, placing an unnecessary burden on New Yorkers and consumers nationwide — especially during a time of already high prices,' Marty Durbin, president of the US Chamber of Commerce’s Global Energy Institute and plaintiff in the case, told The Post. -- This is also correct: those fees will be passed along to consumers. As recently as January, Hochul was pushing for 'inflation refund checks' because she said things were too expensive for New Yorkers. These Democrat governors are ruining their states worshiping at the altar of “climate change.“ They're embracing policies that make energy less affordable, less reliable, and increase the price of everything else. Without impacting climate in any meaningful way. Witness energy bill add-ons by Massachusetts leftists to see where NY will end up.

“Green transformation” by fiscal 2050 will remove over $850Billion from Massachusetts economy according to Mass Fiscal Alliance. Our delivery fees for NG usually triple the cost for home heating NG. Insane. And stupid liberals would blame the businesses and not the policy because they are too fucking stupid to even know what policies the people they vote for put in place. Studies have shown that democrats are the least informed group of voters. This is why businesses need to be more vocal and tell consumers when prices go up because of Democrat policies. The era of limitless government oversight should be sunsetting. These single-party states are losing people like rats off a sinking ship. The problem is the people leaving blue states take their voting habits with them. We will never grow the economy and bring down costs as long as stupid ass laws like this are on the books. Democrats don't care about either of those things. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - NY Businesses Sue Kathy Hochul Over $75 Billion Climate Change Law, Say It Will Make Consumers Pay More
New York Post: Businesses sue Hochul over ‘illegal and misguided’ $75B climate law, claiming it will cause a spike in costs to consumers

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