#246 | Gulag Cultural Differences, Streamlabs Bans Your Chats, RIP Rush | Matt & Blonde Show

5 hours ago

Streamed live on Feb 21, 2021
*Please note - the information posted below was accurate when originally streamed. Links may now be outdated and/or inactive.

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Artwork by Facepalm Reality
Facepalm Reality's Twitter: http://bit.ly/2AZfI4V
Facepalm Reality's YouTube channel: http://bit.ly/2uxbrr9

Fast Car remix: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7dzaVrhphlE
Bearing and SugarTits' cover of "Catch the Wind": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DPZtCSScFWM
Additional music by Chris Gard, Morbicae Official: https://bit.ly/2GrOAnv

Items referenced:
Texas status: https://fxn.ws/2NNAu3u
Mr. Sneardley’s tribute to Rush: https://bit.ly/3azBy43
What happens after Rush: https://archive.is/XUZkZ
Chris Sullivan paid by CNN, NBC: https://bit.ly/3dpXqAA
Roger Stone, Alex Jones investigated: https://archive.is/O6PRE
Oakley Union school board: https://nbcnews.to/3qCMIdU https://bit.ly/37zvKWd
The old Streamlabs page: http://bit.ly/2CUSiSv
Matt’s thread on the Streamlabs situation: https://bit.ly/3sjMwAT
Joe on Chinese cultural differences: https://bit.ly/3s4RqRY
Stories from the camps: https://bit.ly/3aFAXOv
Joe mentions black on black crime: https://bit.ly/2NrqzAR
Joe says blacks and hispanics can’t use the internet: https://bit.ly/3dAj6Ky
Black man tries to use the internet: https://bit.ly/3bq7F5l
Joe on a year from now: https://bit.ly/37ux9xk
Fauci agrees on Joe’s timeframe: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fbLWAY6cHWw
Fauci on not seeing family even after vaccine: https://bit.ly/3bt1M7w
Fauci on lockdowns during Ebola: https://bit.ly/3pFL9dL
Chinese study on asymptomatic carriers: https://go.nature.com/3cZuM9s
WHO doctor on asymptomatic spread: https://cnb.cx/2McyoKj
Garbage bags on heads in Melbourne: https://bit.ly/3priJnJ https://yhoo.it/2NqBcnC
Another case of garbage bag use: https://yhoo.it/3ukFnC4
Women dress up as grannies for vax: https://nyti.ms/2ZvDUe7
Ted meme: https://bit.ly/3ugmO1Q
Ted Cruz delivering water: https://bit.ly/3qItdk7
Ted Cruz explains the decision: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eD3FIDK6M2k
Ted Cruz originally booked to return Saturday: https://bit.ly/37B6zmm
Reza Aslan false tweet: https://archive.is/BcCj9
Fact check on Ted Cruz fake tweet: https://cnn.it/37zpgXr
NYT story on ethics of leaking messages: https://nyti.ms/3kgJk67
United Airlines leak: https://bit.ly/2MhadKM
Bill Gates and fake meat: https://bit.ly/2OONaaT https://bit.ly/3ug0Hsx https://bit.ly/2NNRSVM https://bit.ly/3ug0C8d
Hoax hate, s3xu4l 4ss4ult cover-up: https://bit.ly/3dzpt0w https://bit.ly/3dA6D9C
George Floyd zoom bombing: https://bit.ly/3pvxk1E
CatboyKami: https://bit.ly/3sjaUlQ
Omegle bit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I6g1iH5p-M4

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